Grape id help...concord?

Beta is a cross of concord , and vitis riparia (river bank grape )
(breed before Elmer Swenson )

It’s a sour wild grape (it could be a natural cross)

you mentioned it being more sour then concord

(edit Oops I think it may be to pulpy for Beta
I Never had Beta (I do not think)
but the vitis riparia doesn’t seem right to add pulpiness

Blockquote 1. a more solid pulp…the concord Pulp would not hold its shape when cut but was more squished, however the mystery grape as you can see by picture held its form and shape.


Quote hort purdue (or above link )

Fredonia is a blue-black Concord-type grape with very large berries that ripen about two weeks Concord. The flavor typified by Concord which is so desirable for juice and jelly, is lacking in Fredonia, yet Fredonia is utilized for both juice production as well as roadside table grape sales. With careful pruning, vigor and production may approach Concord levels. The fruit clusters are susceptible to downy mildew.


After opinions of others and my research I’m pretty sure Fredonia (early Concord).
I don’t know how it got there. I thought I was planting a Concord from my own cuttings. That’s why I hesitated in identifying as Fredonia, but has all the fredonia qualities.
A pic of leaves you mentioned attached as well as berries as of July 27.

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