Greenhouse pawpaw seedlings

Hi Dennis;

A plug is a term to designate a very tiny seedling less than 6 months old.

Well, I scored a tiny 3rd leaf pawpaw yesterday. It was 50 cents at the local MMC thrift plant sale.
If we do end up moving, I’m hoping to get a greenhouse and then I’ll try your method of keeping it in there for a couple of years.
I really don’t want to wait 7+ years to fruiting again.
( at least one of my in-ground ones has set fruit for the second year running, so if we stay, I should get a decent amount!)

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I grow them at 63.4°N :joy:… I’ve been afraid to put them outside. I think I’ll try with 3-4 of mine, those who have gotten the most sun in the greenhouse. I have black air-pots, so heat could be an issue, so i may put a shade in front of the pot. I could also place them, so they don’t get direct sun until 1300 hours or around that time :relaxed:


mine from seed have spent a year indoors. I put two out, very small. one survived winter and is growing. I have one NC1 that I’m nursing like a damn baby right now in a tall pot and I’m nervous to put it out. next spring I will. it’s about 3 inches tall

they seem to really like the heat as long as they got wet feet

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I braved it today. There is not forecast that much sun for the next week - though temperatures are quite ok. I have made double-height air-pots by putting two 1Litre air-pots on top of each other (I heard the Pawpaws should have room to grow a deep tap-root). They are a bit top-heavy, so I zip-tied each pot to a plastic porch tile - they should allow airflow to the bottom of the pot.

The seedling on the left is looking a bit anemic - don’t know why!? It may be too much or too little water. It’s really hard to control with this ad-hoc solution with the air-pots :joy:… All the seedlings germinated between April-June last year - first sprouts (out of the seed cap) around mid-June I think.

Btw, I use my cold hardy eucalypts as shade for the pots (e. pauciflora and e. perriniana).

They are placed to get direct sun at around 1300 hours.