Growing in the Parking Strip

I wish I had been able to purchase a little further out, but gas prices were killer and I couldn’t afford the drive in to town for work everyday. I guess keeping the trees in pots would also allow me to take my orchard with me if I ever get the chance to move onto a bigger piece of property.

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It is a city owned utility and I have a city address but I technically live in an unincorporated part of the county so I have don’t have access to city police/fire (I get county sheriff and a separate fire protection district) and I don’t get to vote on city matters. The city does have much more restrictive rules, but they don’t apply to me because I technically (by about a mile) don’t live within city limits.

I live outside the municipal limits, too, but we have townships, and they’re in charge of the parkways of unincorporated areas. You might call your county and see if they’re in charge. Someone assuredly is.

Crabapples are great for beauty of blossom and fruit, which can be almost comically red (depending on the variety). Most people don’t know what to do with them and won’t eat another one after they try the first one, which would take care of your vandalism issue. Granted, YOU actually have to know what you’re doing with them, too. There are one or 2 that you can eat out of hand, but mostly they’re great for jellies, pickles or (the best) cider.