Haralson apple after five months in storage

Blah. Held up OK, looks good, no flavor, no aroma, poor texture, decent crunch. If this year isn’t better it’s coming off the tree.


Do you like the taste off the tree at all?

I’ve only had the apple once, years ago, from the friend who gave me the scion. I remember it as being pretty decent.

This was not a good season for apples. Although I got lots of decent apples I can’t say that I got many that were really good. Just not enough sun and heat. So I’m not condemning the apple - just putting it on notice!


A haralson grows at my uncle’s old place, and on tasting it fresh, it didn’t appeal to me enough to grow one myself. But, very nice apples. I think he bought it for baking, but I don’t know. He liked cooking with apples.


In my experience Haralson needs time in storage for best eating. This year I harvested Oct. 8 and it was the usual mostly tart, crisp and juicy. Mid November (root cellar mid 40s) it was sweeter, refreshing, tender-crisp but still on tart side. Mid Dec (rc low 40’s) it was sweetening up and fine for fresh eating (but my main use at this point is mixed with Black Oxford for very good applesauce). End Dec/first Jan. - very good fresh eating! Sweet with some tart and good flavor, tender, very juicy fresh – feels (and tastes) like eating a watermelon! Apples are in good shape in spite of unusually warm start to winter and rc just starting to get below 40.

Last year my Haralsons were good eating end of Dec. but were getting a bit rubbery. In 2020 we ate the last mid March, still good to eat but getting rubbery by then. This year was a super abundant harvest so I’ll be able to see how long it will last in decent shape for me (assuming winter cold ever gets here to cool my storage down!). I like Haralson - It’s been a very good, reliable apple for me. Sue