Hazelnuts 2024

My hazel leave don’t look good and most have already dropped.


I bought 5 hazelnut trees from Stark’s in April of this year for $18.16 each:

Hall’s Giant

I immediately put them into 5-gallon pots.

As of right now, 4 out of 5 of the trees have catkins on them, even after leaf fall.

I am very pleased at how eager they are to produce pollen; I will have to wait to see how each of these varieties fare at my location (8A, Mediterranean climate, 4200 ft. elevation, Northern California)

I still have not decided how close I should plant them to each other…

I hope they are good varieties.

I feel nuts are important to health, we also have one walnut tree (Pedro) and two almond trees (both Garden Prince).

I figured if we ever got too poor to buy food in California, the nuts would help with good fats and some protein.

Plant them 15-20 ft apart.
They are main crop pollinators from osu, except hall’s.


Main crop pollinators because not the best nuts for eating?

They are very good to excellent but dont yield as much as Jefferson.


Oh okay, thanks for the information.

Well, that is okay, 5 hazelnut trees for 2 people, probably would have enough nuts just the same.

If I don’t have enough left over for farmers markets, that won’t be the end of the world.

Which one of those I have do you think is the best?

Not sure fresh, Casina maybe. You’re going to love them roasted too.

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I wanted to try smoking them too in my pellet smoker - smokehouse hazelnuts instead of almonds. :slight_smile:

Not sure how that will come out but wanting to try it when we do get nuts.


Of the osu pollinator varieties, Sacajawea is very fine and used to breed new ones from Rutgers.


I will keep an eye out for that one.

I just enjoy eating hazelnuts and found the price tag of $18.16 each shipped irresistible.

Thats a great price. Smoking them should be awesome too. They eill have sightly different flavor and oil profiles and you can pick your favorite fresh cracking. Roasting converts an average nut to excellent;)

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And I am sure adding chocolate would be helpful too, to satisfy a sweet tooth.

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How do you roast them? In shell or out - in oven or ?

Dont know where hazelnuts would be without chocolate!

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Ive seen both. I like to crack them, the roast for about 10 mins at 350, but have tweaked it depending on size of kernel. So Im not roasting bad ones…

Air frying might be good.

Does anyone know if hybrids and euros will graft to american hazelnuts?

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Would bet so. Right now they are grafting new Rutgers introductions to GrandTraverse as well as The beast, both hybrids. Im betting a pure american would be dwarfing


I have one american hazelnut that I grafted a Theta and Jefferson onto two of the many sprouts of it. I also grafted two of the Americans onto Theta and Jefferson. The grafts appear to be compatible.

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