This has been said about Hoskins pear which I wanted to clear up and post actual data regarding the pear. Much is said about this pear and others that is not accurate. Keep in mind there could be 2 pears both called Hoskins in which case some clarification is needed.
" Dr. Hoskins Pear
Dr. Hoskins Pear has been called a seedling of Flemish Beauty because it resembles that sort. But its parentage is not known. It is the largest of our seedlings, and by a careless observer would be called a Flemish Beauty, but it is broader at the stem and has more of a neck. It is about as large as Flemish Beauty, ripens with it and differs from it in flavor, mainly in being a little inferior, but is not subject to that sort of fungus that is so destructive to the fruit of the Flemish Beauty."
The pedigree is actually Seckel x Late Faulkner for the actual hoskins pear. So why Iām interested in it is its very late ripening.
Developed ā Tennessee, United States. Corvallis said "Hoskins ( PI 541208). - Originated in Knoxville, Tennessee by Brooks D. Drain, Tennessee Agriculture Experiment Station. Introduced in 1954. Seckel x Late Faulkner; crossed in 1938; tested as Tennessee 38S10. Fruit: size medium; roundish obovate, pyriform, sides unequal; skin medium thick and medium tough, dull, light yellow blushed and mottled with russet; dots many, large, russetted and conspicuous; core size medium; flesh white often tinged with pink, fine-grained, melting, juicy; flavor subacid to sour, sprightly, good; ripens 25 September - 7 October in Clarksville, Tennessee. Tree: large; vigorous; spreading; fire blight resistant. Leaf buds small, short, pointed. gray-brown: leaf scars obscure. Leaves: petiole 3/4 to 1 1/2 inche long, thick, color greenish pink, surface glabrous: blade 3 3/8 to 2 7/8 by 2 to 2 1/4 inches wide, folded; mid-rib reflex; sides slightly waved. outline oblong ovate: base broad, apex medium broad, point small and acute; general color dark green, vein color light green, position spreading; serrations dentate; surface shiny, texture coarse, pubescence short, medium fine and wooly. Flower buds small, usually bluntly pointed, spherical and brownish in color, flowers open late, starting to open March 25, 1953, at Knoxville, Tennessee; small, one inch across; color white, appear before leaves; clusters 5 to 7, umbel form; pedicel short, 5/8 inch, medium thick, pubescent; pollen fertile; distribution good. ā Brooks and Olmo Register of Fruit and Nut Varieties.
There are no varieties of winter pears as far as the writers know, that are adapted to conditions prevailing in the southern part of the United States. Southern markets are supplied with pears shippedfrom other regions. This is an expensive practice which tends to limit consumption. It is anticipated that the Hoskins pear will alter this condition. The Hoskins pear was obtained by crossing Seckel with Late Faulkner in 1918. The latter is avariety found growing on a farm near Knoxville, Tennessee. It appears to be part Chinese Sand Pear, although its exact origin is not known. Early records of progenies of this variety indicated that it was promising as a fire blight resistant parent in pear breeding. The original tree of Hoskins pear is now 16 years old and has been fruiting since 1913. Annual moderate crops have been produced. A few twigs blighted which soon dried up. Unsprayed trees developed considerable leaf spot, but sprayed trees were very healthy. Replicated plots of this variety started to bear at five years at the Highland Rim Experiment Station, Springfield, Tennessee. Circumference measurements indicate that the variety is a good grower. The fruit is medium size, golden russet, and very uniform. We have harvested the crop in late September and the first week in October. The fruit should be ripe by late October. Can be kept until Christmas and later. Rated good for canning. Its melting, subacid-flavored flesh is rated good for dessert. Fruit: Picked September 25 to October 7 at Clarksville and Springfield, Tennessee; medium-2 by 2 - inches uniform in size and shape,roundish obovate, pyriform with side unequal; stem about 5/8 inch long and thick; cavity usually obtuse, shallow and medium in width; calyx open and medium in size; lobes separated at the base, long and medium in width; basin medium in width and depth, abrupt and furrowed; skin medium in thickness and toughness, dull:color light yellow blushed and mottled with russet; dots many, large conspicuous, and russeted; core medium in size, closed, axile with core lines meeting; calyx tube funnel-shape, medium in length and width; carpels obovate; seeds 1/4 inch long, wide, medium in length and plump, flesh white often tinged with pink, particularly near the core, fine grained, tender, melting and juicy; flavor subacid to sour, sprightly, good. ā University of Tennessee Bulletin, 1954"