How to post pic in avatar?

I’ve tried twice to post pic in avatar, if that’s what it’s called. It pulls up a pic from my computer and I hit save but no pic yet.

At some point it says pic not square, I think. Do I need to make pic square before pulling it up?

What am I doing wrong or not doing?


After uploading and saving even though it is NOT SQUARE save and then go to the top and click on “SAVE CHANGES” button at the top.

You may be missing that last step.


I think I hit save changes at the bottom. I’ll try again…thanks

You can also setup an avatar at with the email address you used to register here and it will be automatically pulled in. Mine just showed up because I had a gravatar setup.

I try to load photo from my Samsung Galaxy S4 but the site rejected because the photo is greater the 3000 Pixels. Can you update the site to accept it. I can’t change the photo size from my phone.


Tony, in looking at the forum preferences I can’t just change it there but at some point I should be able to fix it (I need to rebuild the web server too). For now you can use a site like Create Avatar - upload a picture there and then download the smaller version. Or, use gravatar.

It would be good to have bigger pictures in general, I have not uploaded too many but all of the ones I have seen are a bit on the small side.
