How to propagate Old Home rootstock?

Got this flyer from Oregon State University how to propagate this rootstock. Problem, you got to grow a mother tree first, than grow branches more horizontally for starters. Fruiting is not allowed.How about you? Do you buy rootstock from a nursery? What rootstock are you using?

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Just buy it. I have tried to propagate it with minimal success. Unless you are just looking for a winter time project! LOL

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I think the “industry“ does it via hardwood cuttings… I have found OH x F rootstocks are easy to propagate by root cuttings taken during dormancy

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Anybody had success airlayering pears? According to the flyer to use
1/4” size branches, 6” long. Along with a root stimulating mix, plus a little alcohol and a bit of water. 90% take.

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Ohxf works ok with root stooling, but I had to stay on top of it and keep them watered. I was working with smaller rootstocks. Just chop back to the ground, get them to start multiple tops (like pears like to do) at the ground, pile up the dirt, get the tops to root, then separate and plant. I didn’t do it for too long. Not every rootstock that I chopped to the ground was totally cooperative about starting multiple tops…and not every top was cooperative about putting out roots.


I’ve lazily stooled M26 apple without much effort in my vegetable garden raised beds. Haven’t done pears.

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Yes with apples and mulberry, not with pear yet, I started to late in the year…