Last night 19 degrees?

Low here was 6ºF, which means tonight will most likely go below zero. The range for the lows over the past few weeks has been 20ºF to 33ºF. This plunge will be greater than 20 degrees off the average. The plunge is very similar to the event that most likely killed my peach buds last December. Unfortunately, I didn’t check buds after the event. I didn’t realize they were toast until I checked them before the midwinter warm-up at the beginning February. This year I’m monitoring them more closely throughout the whole dormant season.

With the temp dropped to 9 F this morning and 12 tomorrow morning, I think it may hurt flower buds of my peaches and/apricots, This is too early for temp to go down this low. My fruit trees have not gone fully dormant yet.

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I thought yersterday morning was the lowest at 9 F. This morning was 8F!!!

I haven’t gotten around to mulching my strawberries yet. Will they be hurt by a seeing a couple of single-digit days uncovered? (Well, not very covered, anyway - they’re under an inch or two of snow.)

Wow, you all might as well be living in the northern midwest! We’re lucky, one might say, as cold came early to us this year so near zero temps are almost common already. Though an area in far east U.P. had -21, i think that’s a bit excessive. Lastyear’s swings were rough for everyone i guess, including us. I do hope all your tenders prove themselves hardier than expected. Sue

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they should be ok. i don’t even mulch mine and they do fine here. but we always have plenty of snow cover.

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last year i was still getting strawberries off my evie 2 until 2nd week in nov! we had 14in. of snow by then, this year. crazy!