Love them or hate them

Arkansas Black early drop. This one was good tasting.


That’s a pretty apple…Personally I’ve never had one. How’s the texture, and what do they taste like?


The taste is all over the place and normally they start off rock hard. This one had mellowed a little. My experience is if they ripen in the late fall they are very hard and pretty tart straight from the tree. After a month or two of refrigeration they start losing the tartness and become sweeter. Pretty good at times but there are many more varieties that I consider better.


This year my Arkansas Black has been my only apple with no problems at all. No fireblight, no CAR, no summer rots, no insect damage when everything around them has some, good fruit set, no issues at all except it’s not very vigorous. What’s your experience with diseases and insects? I should get some samples for the first time this year, if I can beat the raccoons, possums, and squirrels.