Menie pear

When your making your choices of pears from this group Canadian Pears Enie, Menie, Miney, Moe, Phileson, Sauvignac, I’m dissapointed to say Menie is a fireblight magnet the likes of which I seldom have seen. Ive tested it for years now it gets fireblight when no other tree does. It grows good, flowers quickly , a good pear in every way but fireblight. Fireblight is a really big deal so this pear is not the pear for amateur growers. Menie can easily graft to most any rootstock. It has green fast growth that fireblight cannot ignore. I’m trying to get it older where the wood barks up and hardens off some but it’s difficult.

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Never heard of Menie pear. You wonder if the fire blight is due to the fast growth. Fire blight happens when cells are growing and growth is active hence the recommendation to prune in the winter. I wonder if since it grows fast that the cells will rejuvenate quickly during the growing season.

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That’s it exactly, fast growth does it every time.

More fireblight strikes today on different Menie trees. It’s very disappointing but there is undeniable proof now this tree cannot be grown easily in Kansas. It fruits quickly , grows rapidly, its everything but fireblight resistant. It’s more susceptible than the most susceptible pear i know of. I’ve removed at least a dozen strikes on several different menie trees now.

Just because they are hard to raise doesn’t mean we can’t raise them. The fruit are sustaining heavy insect attacks this year.

Remember the photos of the flowers. I’ve taken the photos below before and noted they tend to set in clusters.

These photos are non existent anywhere else so it’s very important I document this pear very well.

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