My little homemade greenhouse so far

I spent saturday building the walls in the driveway. It rained Sunday and didn’t work on it. Today was windy with rain and we’re sheeting a 14/12 pitch roof way up in the air so we didn’t want to work. So today I built the foundation and put up the frames. I put one coat of rain guard on it too. While the leaves are off the trees it will get direct sun in the morning and evening and filtered sun from tree branches during the day. Once the leaves come out it will be in the shade for the middle part of the day. I didn’t want to put it in the middle of my lawn or in the garden or where I’ll plant my trees, so this is where I put it. Most everything will be in here when the leaves are off anyway. The sun came out later on in the day. I duct a downpour with hail, and a couple rain showers. I have my figs and pawpaw starts to put in here. I might even put my meyer lemon tree in here.


When can you come to my house? Its beautiful!


Mrsg47, I would love to come to your place. To bad we don’t live closer!

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Here is my Pawpaw starts. Please excuse my mess! I haven’t taken time all winter to clean the garage.

Excellent. Looks like 2x2s? did you rip them yourself from 2x4s? Will you make a door or just hang a screen door? Will you level the floor inside or just keep it pitched like (good drainage i guess)…

Its probably good if you just want it for spring plantings to be shaded…the plastic should last longer.

What i’ve seen online is that people will paint a wood structure like that white with exterior paint. Should last a long time.

What a great piece of construction. You should be really proud of that. Especially how you handled the slope. Awsome.

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I ripped 2x6 for the plates. I ripped 2x4 for the studs and also 1x10. The rounded top is a 1x12 maxed out to the pitch with a bucket scribed for round. The base was 2x12 ripped. I’ll just frame a door. I have some hinges. I’ll frame the vents in too. I’ll probably make roll up sides. All the wood I got from jobs where there was extra wood. I thought about painting it white on top of the sealer, but not sure if I will. If the plastic shows up in the mail I’ll just put it on. If it takes a while I’l have time to do more painting. I do have left over paint from the house. The slope on the ground I will leave for now. I just want to get my figs in there, Lol! You cant see it hardly in the pictures but it’s cross braced on the bottom of the rafters with wire.

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Thanks wildscaper, There was nothing there at noon today. I put it all up in the afternoon. Then spent some time painting sealer on it. I build houses for a living so I do this stuff all the time. I prefab everything in the driveway Saturday and made the base today. I’m just trying to build it without spending money on it. Every stud and joint of each section is glued with subfloor glue and then fastened with staples.

That may be a benefit,because they can heat up a lot very easily with direct sunlight.Very good job. Brady

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Nice. What type of covering, sheet flexible stuff or rigid? Reason I ask is the hard coverings (like multi-wall polycarb) usually do best with a spar varnish on the surfaces they will be touching (helps them slide without squeaking as much supposedly).

Also, as I’m sure you know from your construction, if you were going to paint the structure it will be far easier now before the covering goes on. White is traditional, and also reflects back some light which helps a bit. White also makes seeing and cleaning off mold and various critters a bit easier.

Good luck with your GH.

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I bought some left over pieces of the flexible clear plastic used for bigger greenhouses. I got a 56’ x 8’ for $34, and a 5’ x 20’ piece for $6. I kept all the ripped cuts in word where possible so the beveled corners are out towards the plastic. I might have to do some quick sanding in some spots where both sides were ripped.

Beautiful Johnnyapples!,
With all the Tinyhouse craze going on, I bet you could build one of those in a weekend!:wink:

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Thanks ahgrower but it would take me quite a bit longer to build one of those. Unless I built a couple and got them memorized.