No flowers on peaches and apricots this year

Super good info thanks Scott! You saved many of us years of frustration. I have two of the super reliable, so that’s great! Scion of the rest if I can make it work?
Only question I have is where would Toka fit in? I have Dapple Dandy Pluot and it flowered more than Flavor King. We will see what sets more.

I think part of it also is how winter hardy they are at the time. My Satsuma was showing first white and it got down to 21F, and they were fine. The tree was still very hardy, no extreme warm days, never hit 60F etc. Mine is 2nd leaf and has about 20 flowers. Nadia has about 50.
I’m hoping Satsuma and Nadia make a love connection and each bear loads of children for years to come.

Drew, FWIW, my Toka handled an 11 to 13 degree night with very swollen buds, (the same night that torched my peach buds) its now in full bloom and is looking great. Low temp here this winter was -16

I don’t know why I faired better then Alan, Bob, Mamuang and Mrs. G this Spring as to peaches and apricots. The Indian free I planted last year has 6 or 7 flowers on it and the harglow apricot planted last year has 8 or 9 on it. My 4 year old Redhaven has quite a few flowers on it, not as much as last year but that will mean less thinning for me.

Redhaven peach

I think you missed our last snow and freezing rain. Your tree is beautiful and I hope you have tons of fruit!