Opinions on pawpaw situation

So I have two paw paws, a Penn. pawpaw and a Stark Bros pawpaw that was grown from seed and not grafted. This is the seedling

The first year I had it I planted it in a different spot which got a full day’s sun and it looked generally sad so I moved it here, a more shaded area. Back in June the top of the tree died back and a new tree grew from the base.
This is the Penn pawpaw
My question being, should I try to graft a better variety to the seedling tree. My concern is the plant is already stressed with the prior move and the dying of the top of the tree. Should I just leave well enough alone? If that is the case I could try and graft a branch onto the larger Penn Pawpaw.


I would let it go a season or two to catch it it’s breath again


Graft the top 2 inches next year and then the rootstock will not be injured. Make sure as it grows the graft is the part growing.