Orchard-Oriented Social Media?

Does anyone have, or follow, any social media accounts primarily for those in the orcharding world? I created my own account on Instagram to document my dive into backyard orcharding and would love to follow others who may know a lot more than myself.

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This is it.



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Several private Facebook groups for fruits like blueberries, blackberries or elderberries.

One for blackberries is administrated by the North American Raspberry and Blackberry Association.

Got to work through quite a few stupid questions and even more wrong answers in most of these groups to get to the good stuff!

Overall, don’t know of anything as useful as Growing Fruit.

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A lot of plant nurseries have their own Instagram accounts. If you follow some of those, Instagram will start recommending similar accounts to you, including back yard growers and hobbyists. Skillcult has a good Instagram account too.

In my experience, Facebook and Instagram are composed mostly of marketers in disguise and well-meaning people with ill-advice.


The best place found!


I joined a Facebook group for my state. It helped me learn a few things specific to my state like when to start cold season crops such as cabbage or lettuce. Issue was it got flooded with newer gardeners as time went on. The new gardeners started giving bad advice like planting blueberries here where before that was unheard of due to our alkaline soils, dry winds that dry up the blueberry buds etc. It also became a give me free plants forum. Now I am fine if you want to get plants from members but give something in return weather it be money or a plant trade.