Orleans Reinette- I don't think mine is

In 2013 I planted “Orleans Reinette”. It fruited this year but I don’t think it is an O.Reinette
It certainly does’ t look like the OR that Stephen Hayes shows on his YouTube uploads.
Does anyone have any experience with these?


Mike, Those look a lot like my Tenroy Gala.

…and definitely not OR…

I got this tree from Stark Bros. in 2013. I will have to look at their catalog to see if I can I.D. the tree from fruit pictures.


They do look a lot like some kind of early-season Galas.


Yes… Seem to taste similar.

I’ll try to pin it down some more.

Not happy


This is not Orleans Reinette.
Orleans Reinette is very similar in shape and colour to Blenheim Orange and Kirkes Golden Reinette.

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