In 2013 I planted “Orleans Reinette”. It fruited this year but I don’t think it is an O.Reinette
It certainly does’ t look like the OR that Stephen Hayes shows on his YouTube uploads.
Does anyone have any experience with these?
In 2013 I planted “Orleans Reinette”. It fruited this year but I don’t think it is an O.Reinette
It certainly does’ t look like the OR that Stephen Hayes shows on his YouTube uploads.
Does anyone have any experience with these?
Mike, Those look a lot like my Tenroy Gala.
…and definitely not OR…
I got this tree from Stark Bros. in 2013. I will have to look at their catalog to see if I can I.D. the tree from fruit pictures.
They do look a lot like some kind of early-season Galas.
This is not Orleans Reinette.
Orleans Reinette is very similar in shape and colour to Blenheim Orange and Kirkes Golden Reinette.