Pear buds, blossoms, and fruit 2017

Royal Riviera are another name for Doyenne Comice which are considered a really great pear. I’ve had Harry and David pears before. They are very expensive . If you want to grow Comice I will likely have some extra wood . How did the other scions I sent you turn out this year?

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Lots of takes Clark despite the tough year. I lost a few back ups on seedling roots that just couldn’t survive the drought.

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Clarks little yellow is looking good, Potomac also. Leona is grafted onto ohxf 87 with my Ayers from last years grafting. Harvest queen went on a little multi graft tree in the front yard. So many pears that it is hard to remember where I have them all off the top of my head.

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If you need a bunch more types let me know.

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Thanks for those Harrow Sweet bud pictures. I went outside to compare those to mine. This is what mine look like. I guess no flower buds?
No end bud, deer had it for a snack.


This one is of my Korean Giant. I’m pretty sure this will flower and hopefully fruit.


How old is your harrow sweet? A couple of those buds look fairly fat. They will define more into little footballs if they turn into flower buds. Korean giant looks like it may have a flower bud.

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Grafted this spring and grew about 3 ft.

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Next year you should have pears. Harrow sweet in my experience sets fruitlets on 2 year old wood.

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Had a hard freeze a week ago so I won’t have any pears from kieffer since it was bloomed out with leaves for the ~ 20 F temps! BUT now I have these


Unknown pear


Le Conte

It looks like these last three may be in bloom together!!



How does your le conte handle fire blight?

Very nice closeup pics and blooms. I also have Orient and Moonglow, the O is still too small to produce, but it looks like my MG has lots of what looks like fruiting spurs, so we mignt get lucky this year. Our huge Pineapple tree also has lots of spurs, but don’t know if they’re of the fruiting type either. Perhaps I can get some pics of the buds soon. Still too early to tell, things are still pretty dormant here.

I pruned all my big trees yesterday and today. Cut off a lot of wood, but they look cleaner. I was trying not to cut off too much wood with spurs on them. I cut off a branch off the top of my Moonglow that had some shriveled black blooms or fruitlets from last year, looked like fireblight strikes. I’ll get to pruning the rest of the trees soon.

Have you ever had any fruit off your pears?

I don’t know yet. I’ve read mixed reviews on if it is resistant or not. @coolmantoole has it in the south and he may can enlighten us on that.

Just Orient. Moonglow bloomed last year but I had no other pear blooming to pollinate. The unknown pear I’ve had for 4 years and this is first year to bloom. Le Conte is new last year.

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My LeConte will occasionally get a nip of fire blight on growing tips, but it never goes anywhere or amounts to mutch. It’s a slow grower, but the pears are excellent. From various descriptions I’ve read there must be at least two different strains out there with the LeConte name attach. It sounds like one of them is a Keefer like pear. Mine fits the description of the original historic tree at the LeConte plantation. It’s a soft pear that turns bright yellow when ripe. If picked as it is ripening and ripened inside it becomes a very sweet high quality soft pear. If you leave it on the tree too long, it takes on an over ripe apple texture and flavor. Anyway, it’s and excellent pear for my climate, and I highly recommend it. God bless.


This was my LeConte tree last year.


How old it’s your Asian pear?

Thanks, coolmantoole! Mine probably matches that description fairly well. I bought 2 Leconte 3 years ago at Tractor Supply (bad mistake before i knew any better). The one in full sun gets a lot of tips burnt by Fireblight, but produced a copious amount of wonderful fruit last year. The other one is in the shade, did not have any fireblight, and only had 3 pear. I am only asking about how bad your fireblight is because the fruit is wonderful, but I don’t need a fireblight magnet…

5 years but I longer own it. Sold my house last year.

The vast majority of resistant pears get some fire blight. I’m actually more worried about trees that have never shown any signs of fire blight but are slow maturing. Are they really resistant, or will they curl up and die once they bloom and get serious exposure. That LeConte fights it off effectively every years is a good sign that it really is resistant and that I’m not just lucky with it.

Here is something that I have noticed with LeConte. Since I have started feeding it some Epson Salts every year, I get a lot less tip burn from fireblight. The tree also grows a lot faster. I find the LeConte to be kind of a slow growing tree for a pear on Calary rootstock. Epson salt definitely makes it more robust and seems to help young growth to harden faster which in term may be helping to improve fireblight resistance. You might try feeding your tree some Epson salts to see if it makes any difference. All my pear trees seem happier with the Epson salts, but the most dramatic results were on LeConte and Purdue.

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