Pictures of Uzes, France reopening after a year

The day is the smaller Marche day but the cafes on the streets and in the square are once again open. Fingers crossed.

And of course lunch! Have to have French Fries! Tempura oysters with creme fraiche and coriander. Crab Tian, Cucumber and cheese stick. Left out the very chocolate dessert! And my panier(basket) filled with my shopping. Great to see people again its been rather bleak. Beautiful day too!


Que c’est beau. :heart::heart::heart:




I love the street vendors selling fresh product. Wish we had more of that here. Maybe our farmers could actually make money for a change.


I love it. And, of course, so beautifula a place, Ms. G.

I walked into a grocery store in my little town this morning and brought a keg home and the liquor manager and I met for the first time and he was in the store on his day off and not wearing a mask. I thought to myself, ahh, must be finally day !!

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Love it!
Europe is so beautiful.

Enjoy! It’s been too long for all of us.


I just joined this forum last week, and this post is such a welcome surprise! It reminds me of market day in St. Remy.

The internet brings us closer together in so many ways.


@Robert My neighborhood farmer’s markets (East Falls and Roxborough Pretzel Park, in Philadelphia) have been a life-line during the pandemic; the farmers kept making money, and we could pick out our produce and try to pick out our friends from behind their masks. These markets were started with help from Farm to City, a great local organization that thinks like you do.

Right now it’s the only place in town that I can get really good strawberries. The only problem is the apple selection is pretty limited, and nobody brings pears to the market yet.


Lookslike somebody was nibbling at the end of the bread


St. Remy is only about an hour away.

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