Plant identification please

Cats like catnip for sure; I personally haven’t seen much love for catmint.

@Chills @Viridian Thank you, will remove. I wonder where it seeded itself from, didn’t notice any neighbors with the vine.

Looks like Horehound (Marrubium vulgare).

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Our neighbors’ cat likes to hang out under our catmint in the summer.

We need the flowers. It could also be a Stachys (hedgenettle) or a Ballota (black horehound). White horehound (Marrubium) is possible but I don’t think it is a good match.

If the plant simply appeared out of nowhere, it may not be a catmint simply because the commonly planted ones don’t make seed.

Here are the flowers,so I guess Catmint?bb


Yeah probably a catmint. The flowers are still not open…those are calices…


While working at a customer’s house,I saw this Cactus.The owner received the plant as a gift and wasn’t sure about the name.
The outer leaves are soft,like a succulent,but older growth has hard spines.No blooms yet.



maybe …
Austrocylindropuntia subulata


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That very well could be the one,thanks.Common name is Eve’s Pin or Eve’s Needle.
The flowers look cool too,from pictures of others.

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Could someone tell me what this is? Thanks.

First thing that comes to mind is false Solomon’s seal.


Did you conclude it to be Catmint? (Could it be horehound?)

No,I’m not totally sure.Some cats really like to roll on the plant.
Does Horehound have a minty fragrance?

It is a mint, has rough texture leaves and some ‘hairs’ on back of them I think. Been a few years since I grew it. (I love the horehound candy).

(Catmint, of course, is in the catnip family…milder odor and smaller leaves and most are perennials.)

A friend has this strange succulent house plant that I am hopping to help ID. I don’t have a clue honestly.
The leafs are flat , has a bizarre growth habit with this large (~4inch )bloom.image image image image

Any ideas ?

Epiphyllum oxypetalum, the Dutchman’s pipe cactus, princess of the night or queen of the night?


Thanks !

The flower is edible

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I got what were supposed to be the aerial seeds of hog peanut (Amphicarpaea bracteata) from a seller on Etsy. They were small, dark and round seeds in little bean-like pods. These seedlings don’t look right to me, though. I think they’re some sort of vetch.

What do you think?

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