Top-is the new Sugar Twist- nowhere near ripe but big
Bottom left- is Sweet Treat- Just starting to ripen
Bottom right- is Candy Heart- nowhere near ripe yet (to be expected)
My concern is that Sugar Twist supposedly ripens a month earlier that Sweet Treat, yet it’s not even close. I sure hope I didn’t get a mis-tagged Sugar Twist tree!
Sweet Treat: Brix 23 Taste: Sweet plum flavor, somewhat perfumy, no hint of cherry flavor, plummy aftertaste.
Sugar Twist: Brix 21 Some cherry, mostly plum flavor, not complex flavor wise, better than Sweet Treat
Candy Heart: Brix 20 Best flavor and cherry like texture, tastes almost like biting into a giant cherry, not plum like, no bitter or plummy after taste. This is what a “Very Cherry Plum” should taste like!!!
Flavor is in the tongue of the beholder. We are all process flavors differently. The older you are, the less sweetness in food you experience. Taste is very personal, read this:
I too am interested in a comparison. I have candy heart and I didn’t taste the cherry but it was very good. I really liked flavor punch too. To me they were plums that were sweet, rich, and complex. I only had a few fruit so I need another season to really know. Thus far they are both must have fruits.
@RichSV when is the earliest optimally-picked candy heart? Do you need to wait for it to fully ripen on the tree or can you pick it earlier and still achieve tree-ripened tastiness by allowing it to ripen off the tree (and thus save it from potential pest damage)?