Opening a new thread since east and west coast hazel disease pressures and recommended varieties differ. With Oregon’s hazelnut suitability, their growers probably have the most experience on this coast.
After 8 years, my hazels are now productive. Their ripening order is Gamma, Theta, Sacajawea, Barcelona, and Jefferson.
But my problem is that Jefferson hazels are more tightly attached to their husks than the others. While the others would fall free from their husks onto ground tarp, Jefferson will fall with their husks attached. I have to pry each nut from its husk. Too much work!
Does anyone else notice this? Or as the nut drop continues, do the majority of Jefferson fall free from husks?
East of rockies here:) those that dont release are usually empty or havent ripened properly to form the abcision that releases it. Like a tree that dies quickly enough to impede absicions, the leaves will still be stuck. I’ve found this to be the case when selecting nuts for seed, doing float test etc.
Drought, and or lack of nitrogen and insects are to blame.
Thanks - I cracked all 10 with husks that fell today. And they were blanks! The 12 that fell free of husks were filled. What a good tip!
If nuts are huskless, I can tell a filled nut from a blank. But with husks on nuts it’s harder.
Thanks for this great workaround!