Hi all - thanks so much for this information.
It sounds to me like, in general, pretty much always pinch/rub off vertical shoots/water sprouts early (unless desired for grafting) off all species is a good plan (versus trying to generate fruiting spurs or stubs here). Wanted to make sure I wasn’t causing a fruiting issue!
@YumYumTrees - was aware of the shoot reductions with peaches, but finding more detailed info about pruning plums (I have euro and hybrids) has been hard to come by. I wasn’t aware of heading back on plums. Do you do that just on side shoots, or primary/secondary scaffolds as well?
Also it sounds like pretty much leaving all side shoots is a good plan, even if they are dense. I wasn’t sure if any side shoots should be kept shorter, but it sounds like let them grow to length and do the summer pruning. For side shoots headed slightly upwards (say up to a 45 degree rise), do you ever do any training/tying/weighting on these (probably too many to manage), or do you just let fruit weight and pruning to a bud in the right direction take care of that?
@Masbustelo - I do want to try to espalier a few apples and pears. In that form, do you keep any side shoots, else how do you renew the wood?
@Alan - Yes, based on comments on GF, I’m trying to move to more of continuous pruning approach, and I’d guess where you get limited site visits, that’s definitely how it has to be done. FB pressure is high here, though luckily black knot isn’t prevalent. Based on weather, it’s probably kicking in this week. Given FB temps here, and that I have one apple that didn’t get water sprouts rubbed, is there any sense in putting some grafting wax or compound over any wounds?
As to your comment on J. Plums (I have E & hybrid plums) and your mention of secondary branching, are you referring to secondary scaffolds (i.e. heading back the primary scaffolds when young for multiple years), or by secondary, do you mean additional branching off the side shoots?
For side shoots, on apples/pears/peaches/plums (I have E & J pears), what the closest you typically like to see side shoots forming?