Question about crabapple/apple grafting

Hello. Last spring I attempted to convert a crabapple tree to apples using scions from Gold Rush, Pristine and Jonafree. the crabape is of an unknown variety with pink flower buds that open white, and small, marble-size red fruits. I was not expecting the grafts to take, as it was my first time grafting, but to my surprise over half of them did. One scion in particular took off and grew about 2 feet last summer. This spring, it grew so fast, it became long, thin branches that bend all the way down. Did I by chance created a weeping apple? I do not know what variety that scion is since I lost the tags…

Has anyone had that problem? Should I cut the branches down to a few feet to keep them straight? I am wondering if it is the apple variety that has that problem, or the rootstock/scion combination. Other scions on the same crab are growing slower and straight.


How tall do you want the tree to be? I would suggest cutting the bent branches at that height.

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That established crabapple has nowhere to put all of its energy except that scion. You will get the most growth from vertical scions grafted at the top of the tree. Grafts on side branches usually don’t grow as fast. I would cut it way back to give it more time to stiffen up and force side branches.