Reed Avocado in Vista CA

I have a Reed Avocado grown by Durling Nursery. It’s been in a 15 gallon pot for almost two years and I intend to plant it in a few weeks. A year ago January I allowed it to set a few fruits and a 1.25 pounder fell off this weekend.


A beauty! I’ve had no luck growing avocados. I yanked mine a few years ago. Richard do you have any in ground, and if so, do you find them challenging to grow/produce well?

I have had them in ground almost my entire life: in Redlands, Long Beach, Rancho Penasquitos, and soon in Vista. For success, it is necessary to understand their culture before planting, plus to irrigate and feed appropriately.


Grilled Mahi-Mahi, basted in lemon-lime-passion-fruit butter, served on bed of 1/2 Reed Avocado :yum:


Today I planted it from its 15 gallon container.


A portion of this Spring’s inflorescence.


In the southern CA spring … and perhaps Spring elsewhere … Avocados will molt: the majority of last year’s leaves turn yellow and drop to the ground while new leaves sprout out in their place.


My plant is now about 4’ high. The spring flowering has begun. Also the plant is laden with six 1+ pound fruits that will likely be ripe in May-June.

1 lb, 5.5 oz.


beautiful tree, man! i have a five-gallon reed on order; hope one day to have a tree that looks like sigmund the sea monster. . . an avocado-producing sea monster.

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@erect-and-thornless – you’re in zone 10, whereabouts?

Very nice, I have heard from a friend back in Texas who grows them in his greenhouse that Reed is one of his top varieties. It’s the one I’ve planned to plant myself as my only avocado once I build my greenhouse hopefully this summer!


Reed’s natural growth tendency is narrow and tall. If that doesn’t suit your growing situation it can be topped at 4 foot to promote a more bush-like growth – but after that you’ll need to shorten any wandering branches heading for (or on) the ground, and when it bears fruit perhaps thin a few so it doesn’t get out of balance, etc.

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somewhere in keliponya. :slight_smile:

I selected a reed based on reports of its flavor but also its upright growth habit. I have only enough space to add one more tree (I had professionals remove a king palm to make room), and a sprawling organism would make it tricky to navigate the backside of my home.

greenhouse avocado trees — i’m superinterested in how that turns out. please drop an update every so often!

A very good choice then. In my opinion it’s unbeatable for flavor and production in zone 10.


it arrived! it’s only 27 inches tall, and probably several years away from production, but. . . it arrived!

in the last hour of sunlight, i planted, watered, mulched. my wife wants avocados this summer, and i promise i’ll have some for her. . . from the market.

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In my experience in southern CA – Reed Avocado plants are widely available in 5 to 15 gallon pots from nurseries (not big box stores).

the hour was late, and i almost didn’t go outside to check on my young avo, but i’m glad i did.

in the tender avo branches a slug was oozing and sleazing around, assuredly up to no good.

i extracted then dispatched the miscreant, and i expect others of its kind will attempt to visit. in all my readings about avo care and problems, there was no mention of slugs. now i know. the war has begun.

Apply Sluggo (according to directions) around the perimeter of the tree basin.


On the subject of greenhouse avocados, what temperature must a tree be maintained above for fruit production?

“Avocado” refers to at least 3 different genotypes of the species Persea americana. Established trees of each are known to withstand temperatures near freezing. I’ve personally witnessed cultivars of each enduring overnight (8 hour span) temperatures of 30F with no leaf drop, no loss of fruit production, but perhaps a bit of “burn” on younger leaves.

But consider this: commercial groves of avocado grown in CA and FL (winter lows in 30s or 40s) take 14-18 months to ripen whereas those in tropical Costa Rica ripen in 6-9 months.

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