My Hanna Fuyu Persimmon fruited 2 years ago and produced seedless fruit. Last year was surprised to have seeded fruit. Did research and found it is common for Hanna to produce male flowers. The tree is still small and I would like to remove the male flowers but need to know what to look for.
Male flowers have a pink tint and tend to appear in threes.
My hanna fuyu is flowering now for the first time, I don’t expect male flowers on it, University of Firenze is a reliable source here in Europe (but not en English):
they says the tree will show only female flowers … perhaps the male flowers are in another persimmon
I’ve heard other reports of Hana Fuyu producing at least some small number of male flowers. I’ve never heard of it being used as a pollinator for PV types, though, so I assume it doesn’t produce enough male flowers for that.
My tree had about 15 fruit and all were fully seeded, it was obviously well pollinated. I don’t remember any pink flowers in clusters of 3 but wasn’t really looking for them either. We do have native persimmons but none within 300 yards and I don’t know if they bloom at the same time or not.