Replacement Pawpaw suggestion?

It might be too late to order any this year, but I’d like to try to replace my dead Susquehanna pawpaw with something, but I’m not sure what. I don’t even mind replacing it with another Susquehanna if that makes the most sense. Flavor is the most important characteristic, and then extending the season. Here’s what I have and their supposed ripening period (from the sellers website, I’ve never harvested any):

Overleese - Sept/Oct
Pennsylvania Goldden - “Early”, Sept/Oct
Shenandoah - Mid Season

Susquehanna, the dead one, was my late season variety.

Anyone have any suggestions or should I just get another Susquehanna?


You can try a real cold hardy, large, and tasty Mango paw paw from Strarkbros. I usually harvest my Mango pawpaws around the 3 weeks of August.


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Sunflower extends season.

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For flavor alone, I’d suggest Allegheny, but it is another early pawpaw.

I’m not a fan of Susquehanna. The fruits are enormous (biggest cultivar I know) but I don’t care for its flavor or texture.

Thanks Matt, that one is now off the list!