Sweet cherries on Nadia took so far

I went to Antmary to exchange left over scions and she got a couple of sweet cherry grafts took on her Nadia. In addition, she got about 7 graft of pluots took also on the Nadia. It will be interesting if the sweet cherry grafts took in a long term.



That will be awesome if they take. Next will be to try peaches/nectarines/apricots.

I’ve had grafts take only to die …so need a year/years to verify if this actually works.

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In theory, would a nadia scionwood can be graft on to a sweet cherry tree?

It is possible because Nadia is 50:50 cherry plum. I am pretty sure one of Us can do an experiment just for the sake of knowledge.


Would be an awesome interstem on a frankentree if it does work.

Haha Tony, you know many have already and expressed their intention to, but ain’t sayin’ no mo