The next big project 2023 - 2024 - 2025

Most jobs in KS pay $12/hour? Thats crazy. “Sandwich artists” at a well known sub shop are making $18/hour in many areas in MN. Walmart grocery shoppers right around that same amount.



Thats about what they got here food places, state jobs, janitorial, lawn care, pest control, gas station attendants, mechanics and such. Im not saying there are no good jobs at factories there are just not many of them. Lets say you make $15 - $30 as one of the better paid people then they drive out a tank of gas and have to buy nice clothes etc. To keep those jobs. These are big cities included but remember i live out in the sticks

State jobs pay $12/hour? Geez. I could make around $20/hour for part time work in the summer from the state just by sitting at area boat launches to make sure people are removing weeds and draining their livewells. I know a couple other old guys who do it. Its about as easy of a gig as you could get. If i wasn’t a libertarian I might jump on that gravy train too.

Edit…^^^$23/hour sounds more like a normal “average” rate of pay



Thats deceptive when they say average because people think it means an average guy makes $23. Thats not how it works. In kansas there is a huge gap between the rich and poor.
Screenshot_20240115_094624_Samsung Internet

Look at these statistics closely. There are 3 people on average per home

The numbers dont really add up.

There are new laws in effect on jan 1st for federal employees but i know waitresses in a slow restrraunt who have not even made enough to pay their gas driving to work

Kansas Minimum Wage in 2024 | Square’%20minimum%20wage%20rate%20applies,%2420%20in%20tips%20per%20month.

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No, you just need kids!

Without doing any further investigating, KS looks like a good state to leave if you’re young and relatively unskilled



Lots of the kids go the route of computer training in high school and plan to make a big salary but find out reality is $11 or $12 is a skilled computer sales person

Once they get their certifications and 6 or 7 years of field experience can make $25 an hour if their health is holding up ok from standing on concrete the last 7 years for 40 or 50 hours a week. Then they get a mostly sit down job as a repair tech. No wonder the kids dont love going to work. They get a 3% raise a year.

Clark, the thing most fail to consider is that the $12 per hour in Kansas goes farther than $20 in San Diego or Seattle!

I’d rather make less if it buys the things I need.

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That is a fair point because everything is cheaper here than there. I think @smsmith is indicating they kind of have both if you can tolerate the weather there. Good wages and good cost of living sounds very tempting.


If one had an underground home so staying warm wasn’t so expensive…then maybe.
But you gotta get out in the cold to work.


MN certainly isnt for everyone, especially outstate MN (pretty much anywhere outside the 7 county metro).

You certainly can make a living and live a good life in MN however. We know a good number of 20 and 30 somethings who own their own homes and who are doing quite well for themselves. Of course, the tradeoff is that you actually have to go to your place of employment and work 40-60 hours a week.



Hopefully everyone is working 40-60 hours per week like the rest of us. If they dont work i dont feel sorry for them. If they are elderly or to young or disabled are exceptions ofcourse.

No offense, but I think we all know that nowhere near “everyone” is working 40-60 hours a week



We know you’re right, but if they are not and can i dont have much tolerance for the dishonest types.


Agreed. I have very little sympathy for someone working at an entry level job 30 hours (or less) a week who says they “can’t get ahead”. Well no kidding…


I’m looking forward to warmer days. This weather is hard on me. The warmer weather makes me feel better and i can get going on that new property. Have a small amount of grafting to do this spring. Have about 100 top works to do. Need to plant some more persimmons and nut trees.


To my knowledge, that’s a tax credit.


True, but if talks and squawks like a duck…(and no taxes to ‘reduce’, you still get the credits–instantly via loan in many cases at tax places).

it surprises everyone
doesn’t know some
of these things.

Out of sight out of mind.
It doesn’t concern me.
I suppose…

but over the past 32 years I’ve seen it from both sides of the process.

But you said they had no income. It’s possible to have income and no income tax.

BTW, I’m not much of a fan of the child tax credit either. I personally believe it should be limited to 2 children.

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It’s mighty hard to argue against the LORD’s plan on taxes.
10% for everybody.
If half pay none, or even get money beyond paying none,
‘There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch’ (TANSTAAFL) is still true…
somebody else pays for the lunch.

Mind you I’m for helping poor and misfortunate, but it’s better done at the local level than
at a higher level because Bureaucrats get a cut out of it all along the way.

But, I digress. Back to The next big project.