Too much rain

We’ve had pretty much nonstop rain the last month. One of my peach trees were completely loaded but never could spray because of all the rain. I came to pick the peaches this weekend and they were all on the ground from brown rot. They all looked perfect last week. If the rain stops enough this weekend I will spray my remaining trees. Though we are supposed to be getting rain for the next two weeks still.

Spray any time there is hope that the spray will dry before it rains again. Don’t wait for ideal conditions.

Jeff, the year before last we had a rainy summer, which is unusual here. Brown rot had an exceptionally good year. I think I found a total of 2 peaches that still had enough rot free area that I could carve out a bite or two for myself.

FN is right. You can also purchase Tactic or another good sticker and if you get just a dry hour between rains you are probably good to go. I have a solid week of spraying to cover the orchards that I do the spraying for and I’ve never lost stone fruit to brown rot I was trying to protect. It is hard to believe your season has been wetter than some of what we’ve had in the last couple decades plus.

I sprayed my own orchard this morning even though a possibility of rain was present. It takes over a half inch to even remove the material from freshly sprayed trees. I’m talking about a storm a few minutes after application. I’m also talking about the use of an SI fungicide like Monterey Fungus Fighter that won’t wash off in the rain and has kickback that will stop rot that has already started.
