Triumph and Early Fry muscadines 2017

Muscadine season has officially started for me in Northern VA. Disclaimer: muscadine is my favorite temperate fruit. It is up there with rambutan for me. So I may hype them up too much. These 2 varieties are early season bronze muscadine. Triumph is self-fertile and Early Fry is a female. Below are a few pictures and youtube links that I made for them.


The berries in my hands are green (unripe), half-green and completely ripe. There aren’t any dead ripe berry on the vine.

Early Fry:


That’s a big crop and big berries. How are they dried? Or maybe they’re seeded?

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They are very juicy. They have a very good balance tart and sweetness. A dead ripe muscadine is comparable to a perfect peach. Their taste is very consistent from year to year. They are seeded.


Very nice!! My muscadine crop is almost over except my Fry has decided to put on another crop that I think will ripen (we have a long season). I just have small amount of fruit on 2nd year vines. I have one vine that I do not know what it is and it is my favorite. I have a one year vine of Triumph and I have thought that the vine appearance and growth pattern was very much alike. Your pictures of Triumph look like the fruit on my unknown vine also. I hope that is what it is. I like those grapes so well that I am attempting to air layer it so I can have more of that fruit!

Picture of my unknown vine and ripe fruit



They look great. I think more people will start growing muscadines as word gets out on how easy they are.


I have grown them in the past and loved them. Are there any good seedless varieties?


I heard there are but I don’t have any.

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Excellent videos, thanks for sharing

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Do you have any seeds of the Early Fry Muscadine Grape?
I’d like to try them out.