those look nice, what variety?
A seedling of tomcot or puget gold. Last year it wasn’t anything special, but that was the 1st year it fruited.
Does Marathion have different formula? The Marathion I have doesn’t have raspberries listed in berries and fruits, nor SWD listed in pest section
Have ate a dozen or so apricots. Very much like a store bought, maybe better. Juicy, not mushy. Nice flavor. Nothing fancy.
Peaches are still very much green.
I’m done growing flowering vines. Trumpet vine and wisteria both trying to take over yard. Both got chopped. I’ll go back and spray with triclopyr. If i had more room maybe, but not where i had them.
Clematis are well-behaved. But rabbits eat them.
When the 17/locusts finally died off, I started to see the JBs, right on schedule. But they must have died off, too. I shook the cherry and plum trees - their faves - and none flew out. Strange - but in a good way.
my black currants are dropping berries prematurely this year… any idea why? i don’t remember this happening in the past.
usually drought will cause this but you plants dont look stressed. crows like to pick off berries sometimes just to pick them off. seen it in my unripe honeyberries and blueberries but so far have left my currants alone. at least my black ones. they will pluck the reds.
it’s happening at 3 locations in nd, across the drought, a bit wetter than usual this year
hmm, not sure then but ill be following. is it happening to different cultivars? good luck!
I got a decent case of poison ivy so i’m going to keep the fence line clear as much as i can. Have no idea it was there, never saw it --must have been in with the trumpet vine, but cleaned up that area and plan on waiting to see if it resprouts. I ripped one trumpet vine out last year and now this was the other one. I also have a lot of virginia creeper moving in from the south. That also gets cut back…i’ve also read reports of people having reactions to that. I’ll have to garden in a hazmat suit
I have tons of VC as a groundcover. I weedwack it back. Never any reaction, this seems to be variable for people.
Maybe its PI growing in with it that get people. I’m taking some prednisone now. I got it bad as a child too. Never have run into it in 20 years of gardening here.
Tomatoes are ripening quickly now. 1st cucumbers. Peaches are just starting to show a little color.
Very young VC sometimes starts with 3 leaflets and looks a whole lot like PI. They’re often confused.
I noticed my purple onions have bulbed up nicely but some of the white onions just have lots of leaves. Not sure if they are trying to flower or what. All grown from seed.
Primarily I grow ben hope, but I have multiple varieties that seem to be affected.
My black ice plums keep splitting. Lost over half to splitting even though it hasnt rained for 2 plus weeks. We did have record rainfall in June, so maybe the ground is still too wet. I’m debating on picking the rest, but keep thinking they will stop splitting since it isn’t going to and hasnt been raining.
Yikes. That is too bad. Probably wet soil doing it.
Well I gave them another two days to ripen and the rest split. I guess I was in denial since it hasn’t rained here in July. Time to turn my focus to apples. Whats everyone do about birds when it comes to apples? Is it just a numbers game, have enough apples and then birds arent an issue? I have 100 apples and pears on about 12 different trees and starting to lose a decent number of them to birds.
I pretty much gave up on apples because the bird damage was so bad. Maybe if i had a dwarf tree that i could cover it. Pears seem to be pretty safe…minimal damage…mostly from squirrels taking them.