

Use this for picking up small limbs and branches when on the mower a chipmunk could be held with one. They have sharp teeth and having been rodent bit before can tell you it hurts. I’m not grabbing them I would tie a razor knife to a stick and cut him lose and use scissors where I had to.


The last chipmonk I killed was with a .22 bullet at 100 yards.
But, I’ll get another one someday…they’re trouble in the landscape.


100 yards? Hmmm… Good shot. and maybe a little luck.


Agree. For I thought it was actually a grey squirrel eating a nut…it being too distant for a positive ID until I found the body about 3 feet back from the perch it was on and all 4 feet in the air.

I used to be kind like you. Unfortunately, chipmunks cause as much, if not more, damage to my fruit than squirrels do.

They also climb trees well to steal from up there, not just down low below.

By the way, they don’t learn their lesson and will comeback. Ask me how I know. I hate them as much as I hate squirrels.



A 10 mile electric fencer helps them to learn. The raccoons walk around my corn patch when i plant one.


So your saying that thing could have reach the top of my bush in that pic?

Not exactly sure I have that but I’ll try to be safe as getting bitten would be the last thing I want

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I came face to face with a chipmunk on my apple tree at about 6-7 ft from the ground (I was on a ladder).

Chipmunks are small but fast. They can climb trees if they want to.


Wow that’s high up, I hope he didn’t damage by fruit, although the branches up top are thin so I don’t know if they would support him

An electric fencer is great for fruit or garden growing.

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To get animals away?

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You have lots of CJ, have you had any chipmunks climbing the branches of your trees(of course that you know of)?

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Rodents are amazingly determined. Once in Glacier park I was drying food that I’d let get wet and the ground squirrels would keep coming back even though I was repeatedly flinging them away with a stick. Fox squirrels, mice, all those cute little guys keep coming back if they aren’t killed. If you don’t control them they will destroy everything.


Unfortunately this has already been the case, all blueberry’s token off the bush, well this time I learned and put a net on that same bush and now the chipmunk got stuck there


Animals don’t bother my stuff beyond what im ok with. Everything eats at my house but i have mulberries for them. Cant use all the mulberries so im ok with them eating them. Electric fence is what you need it doesn’t cost much. Chipmunks would be a snack here as this is still wild enough country to have predators. A hawk, eagle or owl would eat them and if they missed coyote, bobcats, feral cats etc won’t miss.

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Alright any recommendations on which ones?

An electric fence will do nothing to deter chipmunks. They jump, burrow, climb, and run. They will go over, under or around your electric fence. You would have to have 1/2" hardware cloth, down to the ground. And that will ground out constantly. Electric fence is not a good suggestion for chipmunks.

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A 2 mile would likely be OK for a home orchard https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/american-farmworks-ac-powered-2-mile-charger-1231080?store=1411&cid=Shopping-Google-LOB-Local_Feed&utm_medium=Google&utm_source=Shopping&utm_campaign=LOB&utm_content=Local_Feed&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4uaUBhC8ARIsANUuDjXfEri-TrhFL4vdcru-MRAHcvKYXcaU6S7XY1qNWLL0DegB4obsYkUaAhkJEALw_wcB
The chipmunk will be shocked how effective they are!

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Thank you!!!

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