What is the latest blooming apricots

my hats off to you. not easy to grow in a climate like that.

I found some critical remarks about Wenatchee Moorpark on another old page here: Apricot recc's for our area

What about Harcot? It’s another one recommended for hardiness and late blooming… by the nurseries trying to sell it to me. Any insights, anyone?

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Here in the Southern Rockies, that’s what I would try. Harrow Ontario——that gives you half a chance right there. Their trees usually have “har” in their name somewhere. Moorpark basically produces squat for me.

My opinion is colored in that I have had good luck with their pears, which, like apricots, also tend to flower early.

Apricots are at least nice landscape trees. Take that into account on placement.


It’s a reliable fruiting medium size apricot. Taste is good, but lacks any acidity. Mormon is pretty much the same. I have both of them, but they are on their way out. I like a little more than just sweet in the taste.

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That’s what I grow. They still froze out last year

Maybe I mentioned it above somewhere, but Hoyt Montrose is my most reliable apricot. It blooms late and the blossoms are more hardy than average. Zard and Canadian White Blenheim also bloom late but they are not so hardy. Hoyt Montrose has small fruits which are not the very best in taste, but when they are the only apricots you have they are pretty awesome! Montrose is a town in the mountains of western Colorado so is a harsh climate for apricots.


Thank you, everyone! I ended up ordering Harcot. Maybe I’ll also try a Montrose. Maybe I’ll get real and stop planting fruit trees in this crazy climate - but not any time soon - right now I’m working on expanding the fence around my little orchard to make room for more. I’m such an optimist!

By the way - for anyone following this because you too have a crazy climate - a little Evans cherry has been my biggest producer of all, so far!


its far cheaper to try grafting different apricots to the same tree and see how it does than planting 5 trees to find out only 2 will work out for you. then again if the other 3 don’t work out you could graft them over to the 2 varieties that do work out for you.


I like Harcot. Actually have had good luck with most of the peaches and cots from the Harrow station.


You really are not in a zone for apricots.

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I know. But I love them and I’m an optimist.