When will gala and fuji show color?

3 years ago I bought gala and fuji from lowes. This was first year I got any blooms. Only a couple of them set fruit. My concern is coloring. Right now the fruit is still bright green. I know we still have a few months before ripening but Im hoping I didnt get big boxed and have 2 granny smiths or something else. I mean I like granny smith but If they are I guess Ill be grafting next year. :frowning: Its been hot hot hot here.

Down here Gala gets ripe in early August. So those should be coloring up some. Fuji gets ripe about early October. But the birds start in on them in August. Your ripening dates should be about the same maybe even earlier.

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My gala ripens without very much coloring. I think but I’m not certain that the one I have is the original. Several other galas are sold now and the one I see in stores have a lot of red coloring.

I had my first Gala harvest this year — five apples on one branch of a multigraft tree, after thinning to one fruit per cluster. They ripened a couple days ago, about three weeks before the official ripening time, but everything is ripening extremely early this year in my area. Some of the fruits had a little bit more color than others (probably due to differences in shading by leaves) but none was strongly colored. The apples had a good sweet flavor with a distinct note of honey, very little acidity, the texture was a bit dense.

Another branch on the same tree is Fuji and the apples don’t show much color yet.

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ok thanks everyone. Ill just see how it goes.

They show color right before the raccoon steals them.

Some Fuji’s never do color up very well, and stay a sort of greenish grey. You may pick them and decide they’re pretty bland, and then two months later you discover one on the back of the tree you missed. Taking a chance you bite into it, and your head about explodes from the flavor.


I have several Royal Gala and they are coloring nicely. They should be ripe in the second week of August this year.

I don’t have photos of Fuji right now but they are also coloring although will only be ripe in early October.

Stark’s Earliest is the most developed one and next week i should be able to taste some of them if the high temperatures we are experiencing don’t burn them all.

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