Gem Pear

My 1 GEM just dropped to the ground yesterday. I’d had 2 GEM’s on this 3rd leaf tree but the squirrels got one. This pear may have dropped a little early, I’d been lifting it every 2-3 days to see if it was ripe.

Given I only have 1, I’m wondering how long I should let it ripen in the fridge & on the shelf

btw, no fb or pear rust so far on this tree, both of which are common here in Dallas


I found this old thread on “gem” and thought you guys might be interested to know that Dr. Schupp up at FREC (PSU) has an ongoing study of fireblight resistant varieties and he is very complimentary on Gem. It has scored very well in taste panels and has lots of other good attributes. Apparently it ‘can’ be eaten crispy like an Asian pear but also can cure and be eaten later like a European pear. Thus a wide harvest. We are putting in a large planting and will need to bud from the interstem, so Gem looks like a contender… if I can find some wood.


If someone gets it to bloom with less than 500 chilling hours let us know. My understanding is that it hasn’t been tested at less than 700 chilling hours.

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Reference this as parentage Barseck pear tree - #5 by clarkinks and this was an accidental double post Pears that Can Ripen on the Tree like Gem

How is everyones Gem tree doing?

I had fb on 3 of my new transplants last year, cuting half and did the recommended copper sprays, ok so far

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That is disheartening that gem had fireblight. Had hoped it wouldnt get that very often.

I actually added a Gem this year. So I am excited to try it. I am trying to pick more disease resistant verities after initially buying ones that may get hit (i.e., Parker/Patten). So far, I have Gem, Kieffer, Harrow Delight, Parker, and a Patten I am nursing back.

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Its that necrotic spreading patch ive seen on shinsui and some Hsweet. Like yall said cut back to north bud and copper treatment. Is there a need for a follow up spray? Pseudomonas?

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That should do it lets hope you get hit less than we did in Kansas this year. We have never in my lifetime seen the type of damage we have seen here this year.

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