2017 jujube crop

I don’t know the optimal spacing. I don’t have enough room and I’m not a commercial grower so I just jam them in. Different cultivars however do grow differently so that needs to be taken into account. Some stay skinny while others spread out. And they can live a really long time and get pretty big.


i see you’re in new york. If you should let your jujus grow taller than the other trees, you should get fruit.
jujubes leaf out really late, which is a good thing in areas with late frosts, but by leafing out late, jujubes end up being short on photosynthetic hours and may not produce fruits, or just produce little.
by having them grow taller than nearby trees/structures, that will assure they get the most direct sunlight.

we grow ours in las vegas and actually planted densely at ~2-3 feet apart and close to walls/taller structures and they’ve been doing very well, but evidently due to our long growing seasons. Seriously doubt we’d have the same results if we did that in NY

incidentally, the smaller fruited ones such as HJ, lafleur, spinosa-types, etc would be your best bet since they will continue being productive even when grafted under part shade, relatively speaking.


I planted 5 jujube’s 8’ apart here in Dallas 10 years ago. They’re done really well, lots of fruit. 20’ tall now. Looking at them today, glad I didn’t put them any closer, but they’re still ok. More precisely, 3 of 5 are ok; I took out 2 on the end 2 years ago, didn’t like the Lang or Tigertooth

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