Anyone growing Lindera benzoin?

Lindera experience

I’m currently growing Lindera melissifolia. I received the plant as a rooted plant and it grew with pretty much no issues.

I’ve tried rooting cuttings of it and local Lindera benzoin and they will “seem to take” but are SUUUUPER dryness sensitive. If you don’t water everyday they will die immediately.

Uses: so far browsing a few leaves and drying the berries to add to my pepper blend (also has long pepper and alligator pepper in it). As a pepper substitute/additive I like it pretty well.

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Yes L benzoin definitely needs moist soil from
My experience.
The leaves smell divine when crushed. Have not tried as a tea yet. The dried berries are addictive as a spice.

Curious as to what everyone’s specific recipes and uses of spicebush. I have a few more specific questions below:

  1. Fruit: Is it ok to air dry or is a dehydrator needed? What is best long term storage of dried fruit? In terms of usage, do you just grind and use as allspice substitute? Any other specific recipes for fruit?
  2. Leaves: I’ve tried using fresh as tea and have some leaves drying. How much per cup do you use and what steeping temp/time?
  3. Branches: I suspect tea is best use of branches? Should these be fresh or dried? Should they be used whole or in small pieces. How much is used per cup and what is ideal steeping time/temp
  4. Any other uses/recipes?