Flavor Grenade Pluot

These are not ripe yet but I have to protect them from the birds. There is another tree that is more than 5 year old but only has four fruits. I have no idea how they turn out so differently.

Edit: the red fruits in the front of the first picture are Sweet Treat Pluerries


Hope your weather will be dry so your fruits will be much sweeter!


I have to protect my FG with a net. The birds REALLY love
this variety.


We are seeing near 100F temperature now with no rain so everything is getting sweeter, especially the figs. I know we should have thinned the fruits, but with last year heat wave and not much fruit it was hard to do so.


I use the tulle because it is easier to put on and remove. I think it hides the fruits better and confuses the birds. I see a lot of birds on the trees from the neighbor yard up hill looking down but have lost almost no fruit, even though you see that I only can roughly wrap the tulle around the tree and have a lot of openings. The yard looks like Halloween with all the ghost trees.

The pinwheels at the bottom are for the walking birds


Beautiful fruits!



Some are finally ripe, sweet and crunchy. They are not good when not ripe.


When do you find Flavor Grenade ripens for you? I just planted one this past spring. I thought it would be later than now.

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I thought there were only 10 fruit sets on the tree but turns out there were about two dozen! They’ve been ripening incrementally. The first half were ready a few days ago and the second will perhaps be ready In a week.




I’d expect you to be further ahead. I have a 4 in 1 with a small section of Flavor Grenade. I notice its flower bud clusters look a lot greener than the other 3 pluot varieties. Splash are much more red. It’s really obvious to tell some of the varieties from each other at this time of year.

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4/11. The nearby Katy apricot and Beauty Plum are also blooming so I’m expecting fruit set.




You cut your pluot with that fancy cutco spatula?

Weee! has Flavor Grenade pluots. I wish I could see them before buying. The pictures from other customers in past years show a whole spectrum of color, some clearly nowhere close to ripe - and the accompanying reviews corroborate.

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Here,Fred Meyer is carrying them,probably for the first time.But 89 cents a piece,is a little much to me and they’re not real big.

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Are they ripe and sweet?

I only have one on my 4 in 1 tree, and the dedicated tree is a couple years away from producing.

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They’re somewhat sweet.Ripeness is really subjective,with this variety.Some people like them crunchy,like me,while others prefer them softer,with kind of a reddish appearance.
That may be a quality about them,because shipping shouldn’t be a problem.
These store bought ones were,like most fruit,picked a little early.


How long does it usually take to come into bearing (with Citation rootstock, I assume)?

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Too long. Flavor Grenade performs much better on Mazzard.
Mine produces so much fruit that I can’t get rid of it fast enough. I finished picking mine over a month ago and I still have a full refrigerator drawer of it. I like mine crunchy too.