Flowers Lower 1/3 of Tree

This happens to be an apricot but if other stone fruits in my orchard also have similar flowering patterns, I’d like to know if I should treat them all the same. I have (2) peaches and (1) nectarine the same size.

I’m only thinking at the moment of cutting the upper off. I purposely did no pruning this winter to see if I could get some flowers for a change.

I don’t want to burn the fruit so I assume because I’ve seen it talked about that there’s gotta be a happy medium somewhere.

Well let me know what you think, please?

P.s. another perspective (my Mother) says don’t prune them anymore. Let them get big.

Dax, I personally like vase shape pruning for my stone fruit. I would never let them just grow. Pruning will aid in fruit production. I keep all of my semi dwarfs no taller than 8-10’ tall. Easier to net or pick!:grin:

I’ll continue on what I’ve been doing. Thank you Mrs. G. :woman_cook:
