Free Seeds / Growing Naranjilla

I have plenty and Now is a great time to start because they need a long growing period

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They look perfect. The flesh inside starts off hard with little juice but after 2 or three days on the counter they soften quite a bit. Use the orange flesh and the green pulp around the seeds.

Needs sugar but makes a great juice when you dilute it with water or vodka

anyone looking for seeds just PM me.

I’ll IM you my contact info. Thanks!

@Courtney Did you try them yet? or are the sitting in the fridge?

Yes! Pretty good for ripening them indoor! A little too citrusy but I like them!

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BTW, When I said Free Seeds I meant, FREE no trades required.

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Idk how to message you, but I was hoping I could get some Naranjilla seeds? I would really appreciate it if you still have some to spare

Hey I just found this thread and I’m super impressed with all the luck everyone has had!! If you still have seeds to give i would absolutely love some please! I haven’t figured out how to sent a pm to lordkiwi

I have seeds somewhere but finding them is the issue. As soon as I do I’ll let you know.

That would be great, thank you!

Wow I am so blessed to have found such success in everyone growing your seeds!!

Do you have any more seeds by any chance? I just moved to south east Florida and would love to grow some of your seeds

PM me your address

I currently have passion fruit - mango - papaya - lime - lemon - guava and would love to add lulo- it can grow all year round here

I tried to message you @lordkiwi says I can’t send a message to that user :thinking:

your new your going to have to build up some more cred. Go read a bunch of posts and reply to a lot of topics :smile:

I tried to send my address through email reply and it wouldn’t send. I think I also have to do the same as Andrad35

I will PM you for seeds to try on my south facing patio in a pot. I live in 8b, and it is a humid climate in Vancouver, WA, not far from Portland, OR. It might grow. All tips how to get it started, and fertilization appreciated. It would be interesting experiment.

I started a plant from seed this past winter. Does anyone know if I can let it go dormant and keep it just above freezing? My wife might murder me if I try and bring it in the house.

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Depends on how neglectful you are. Mine survived a lot of cold un an unheated 3 season room but died when i put the space heater own in the coldest part of winter and they dried out.