Last year, I grafted Calville Blanc apple scions on to my Blake Pride pear and my Korean Giant pear by mistake. ( yes, it’s stupid).
The one on KG had bloom last year but I pinch them off. This year , both have blooms. This one is on Blake’s Pride.
I don’t expect it to last very long. But it is fun while it lasts. I’d like to ask those of you who have done something like this, intentionally or not, what is your experience?
I’ve eaten Fertility pear that was grafted onto an apple tree. I’d intended it to be an interstem, but never ended up grafting anything else to it. Fertility wasn’t bad at all. The Fertility limb died at maybe the 4th leaf.
I grafted Winter Banana onto my sister’s unknown Euro pear maybe 6 or 7 years ago. It produced fruit annually. Too bad I don’t like Winter Banana. I should graft a better tasting apple on top of that.
@Derby42, there are a kot of things to like about you, being nice is one of them i didn’t tell you that I also grafted Kamijn de Sonneville on BP and 20 th Century pear, did I?
Somehow I got the names confused and thought they were in the same unusual pear names like Clara Frijs pear.
@murky, glad to hear your experience. Winter Banana is such a pretty apple. I used to like it but as I have eaten more apples, it falls off my " like" category. Maybe, I should graft it as an interstem.
I had to google kamijn de sonneville to see it was a cross between cox orange pippin and johnathon, lol , but what is bp? Must be a pear ? I cut a limb off of a Juliet cherry so I could graft a Cherry scion that very generous forum member sent me from a thousand miles away of Juliet cherry, Whoops. I did graft another scion onto Nanking cherry which is what I really wanted to Experiment with.
BP - Blake’s Pride, a Euro pear. From what I read, it does not taste very good so I grafted several pears on it, together with Kamijn and Calville Blanc.
Every apple and pear tree I have has interstems. Some of the simple ones are M111 root/Bud 9/apples. My apples grafted on pears have interstems of Winter Banana, Mollie, or Yates. Let me know if more details are wanted. Thanks. Bill
PS sorry about the late reply. I spent the day with my Georgia grands.