Home grown herbs

Nice collection of herbs. Good info. I may have to grow a few more myself.

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I grow perennial herbs that are either not quite hardy (rosemary) or too enthusiastic to let loose in the garden (mints) in pots. I let them go dormant in the winter, cut them back and drag them into the garage. Will water once or twice over the winter and bring them out again in the spring and presto! fresh herbs without having to purchase new plants.


Yes I overwinter herbs too, also figs, and other fruit. Lot’s of stuff. I may eliminate some, but try to keep the ones I use a lot. Dry a lot of the rest. I keep my rosemary in a southern window. Seems to do fine. I have lights too, but only like to use them for seed starting and rooting cuttings.
I also have a night blooming jasmine as it reminds me of the Caribbean. I root prune it every few years and repot. Last time it almost died! I was a little too aggressive. The flowers are the worlds most scented and they release scent at night. I keep it on the patio this time of year. The whole backyard is bathed in the scent.


Sounds heavenly! I have found I am not good at keeping plants going during the winter, which is why the dormancy route works pretty well for me. I end up getting busy and forgetting about them, doing all the stuff that I didn’t do over the growing season - basically all the stuff that is NOT garden related! :rofl:

I do have a nice collection of indoor succulents and cacti, they do not mind the neglect.

I have cacti too. Yes my figs go dormant so stay in the garage. Which is nice and easy. I have 40 year old or older houseplants, so I’m used to caring for them. I don’t think I could handle as many as Caesar has! But herbs are a blast to grow.

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I also grow papalo. I agree, it is no the same as cilantro. It is unique and indescribable and really intense. I love papalo. Unfortunately nowhere in Australia grows it so I have to grow my own. It is very difficult to get seeds here.

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I have all kind of herbs in my garden, but yesterday my 2 ginger plants came in the mail. I’m unable to root them from the supermarket Ginger, and I only want organic ginger, so this will be good. Turmeric is already growing in abundance in my garden.


Any particular recommendations for Papalo-seasoned recipes?


Turmeric grows easy here, hard to kill whether in moist or dry-ish spots. Ginger seems slightly more finicky for me, like it prefers vegetable-style tilled earth over untilled terrain. It grows well enough in a pot, but I’ve had some specimens die while growing in untilled earth.

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