Hybridizing stone fruits

It was rooting gel that I bought from Amazon, but I don’t remember the brand. I rooted the peach x almond hybrid cuttings in February and I placed them inside a greenhouse with about 70% humidity.


My proprietary Chocolate Jewel plums are finally ripe.

Seed parent: Mariposa plum.

Pollen parent: Krauter Vesuvious Myrobalan plum.


Thank you Ulises. what growing medium did you use?

They look great!

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It was gel-2-root gel.

After they rooted, I used miracle gro potting soil.

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The Plums look good.How is the flavor?


Thank you!

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The flesh is similar to Dapple Dandy pluot. It tastes like a mariposa plum but less sweeter and with a slight tartness of the myrobalan plum.

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This is in fact one cross I have been planning : peach (Sugar Baby Ž) x sweet cherry (Biggareau noir). The parents are still small but I might try pollination next spring. The peach is done flowering when the cherry starts so I will save/dry pollen. The cherry should be poorly self fertile but I will emasculate just to be sure.

No idea what I would call the cross in English, but in Swedish “Körsika” and in Dutch “Kerzik”.

If I could do somatic hybridization I would love to try prunus/rubus hybrids. A raspberry peach would be cool.

Any one knows the hybrid named Juicy June? What it is, pluot or other?

Did you report on the fruit from your crosses somewhere? Any name-worthy outcomes?

Love this thread! I havent read all of your replies to it yet, but am looking forward to reading and seeing all of the pictures youve all posted. I am just starting to begin breeding and hybridizing stone fruits. Its so exciting! This year I did my first intentional pollination of Royal Bleinheim apricot to Flavor Queen Pluot. Several of my Flavor Queens have successfully taken and are currently forming fruits. I am very excited to stratify the seed this fall and plant out next spring, to see what type of fruits they produce.

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If you are successful hybridizing Flavor Queen Pluot with Royal Blenheim apricot, the resulting hybrid will be 37.50% plum and 62.50% apricot.


That’s awesome! Thanks for the % info, much appreciated!


This year, I’m hybridizing Satsuma plum, as the seed parent, with Rainier Cherry as the pollen parent. Rainier cherry, as the seed parent, with my proprietary Jaune Gold plumcot, puget Gold apricot, as the seed parent, with Flavor Top Nectarine, and my proprietary F1 Almond, as the seed parent, with my proprietary Chocolate Jewel plum.

I’m also hybridizing Moorpark Apricot, as the pollen parent, with the following stone fruits:

Frost peach, Flavor Top Nectarine, Indian Free peach, Hardired Nectarine, Tri-lite peachplum, my proprietary F1 Nonpareil almond, and my proprietary Jaune Gold plumcot.


I have nothing to trade at this point, but if you ever have Scion wood available I would love to try some of your hybrids, Ulises. I struggle with May frosts frequently so I try to prioritize things that bloom late.

Regardless of bloom times, though, I would be really interested in growing some if you have any to spare.

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Have you gotten fruit from any of your experimentation yet?

If so, how would you rate your hybrids for taste?


Chocolate Jewel plum.
Parentage: Mariposa plum (seed parent) x Krauter Vesuvious plum.

Flavor: similar to mariposa plum but less tart than Krauter Vesuvious plum. Flavor improves as the tree gets older. The flesh is similar to Dapple Fire pluot.

Pollinator needed.

Rating: 7.9

Gardenberry plum
Parentage: Krauter Vesuvious plum (seed parent) x Japanese plum?

Flavor: Part sweet and part acidic.


Rating: 7.9

Calired Interspecific peach.

Peach x almond ( seed parent) x Sweet bagel peach.

Flavor: Some fruit are mushy with pockets of sugar and pockets of blandness; and some fruit are crunchy, sweet, and with a creamy flesh.


Rating: 6.6

Jaune Gold plumcot.


Gardenberry plum (seed parent) x F1 apricot.
Flavor: Myrobalan plum but with apricot after-taste.

Rating: 6.9

F1 Peach x almond, and nectarine x almond.

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The only hybrid that could be a bit frost resistant is my Gardenberry plum.