Introducing myself to Scott's forum

Since this seems like the place for new members to introduce themselves, here’s me.

Some time back, I visited the home of my Chinese mother-in-law. The sheer variety of fruits that she grew on such small piece of land astounded me. There were pomelos, dragon fruit, jujubes, grapes, guava, pomegranates, gourds, and other things I didn’t even know the names of.

Importantly, that was where I had my first persimmon, fresh from the tree. It instantly became my favorite fruit.

I’m only now taking up the hobby for myself. In the past year I have moved to a new place in Pennsylvania with enough land, and which I don’t expect to have to move out of. I’m completely new to the fruit tree hobby, although I do have decent experience gardening and keeping pets.

My goals are primarily to grow fruits that I can’t otherwise get, although exceptions will of course be made as the mood strike me. My secondary goal is to do as little maintenance as possible.

For now, I’ve put the following in the ground:

Persimmons, of course: Hana Fuyu, Ichi kei jiro, Rosseyanka, and Prok. I still have yet to taste an American persimmon.
Pawpaws: I have one Sunflower that I ordered, in hopes of getting fruit within a few years. I also have many seedlings derived from select varieties, so in ten years I should be swimming in this fruit.
Pomegranate: 3 seedlings descended from an unknown variety which has successfully survived in PA.
Passiflora incarnata: 3 of these, one of which I got from the side of the road.
Asian pear: Hosui, courtesy of the local Backyard Fruit Growers group’s grafting workshop.
Mulberries: The land here was neglected for a while, so I have numerous mulberry trees to enjoy, which is nice since they’re the only ones that will be fruiting for a while. I hope to practice my grafting skills on these by adding on some better varieties.
Kousa: The landscaping came with one, but it’s not a great variety, fruit-wise. I’ve had some really good ones walking my dog, though.

I’m also considering a gooseberry bush (probably Hinnomaki red) and a goumi, but I feel like I may be getting carried away. On the other hand, when your lead time is measured in multiple years, better to get carried away now than later.

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Welcome. Where r u? Lancaster area?

Welcome, TJasko! Love your avatar.

Yes, Lancaster area.

Hello all – I’m Asa, a Chicago pawpaw enthusiast who is about to have my own yard for the first time! I’ve gotten good at germinating pawpaws and now it’s time to see what happens when I put them in the ground. We already have a wonderful peach tree in the backyard to keep me busy till the pawpaws start producing…

I also manage a growing collection of almanacky projects like and
Living Almanac: Phenology Weekly
– and hoping to launch this next year:

Nice to see you all here, looking forward to positive interactions.


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Welcome, Asa, glad you found us. Hope your enjoy our forum, lots of Pawpaw growers on the forum, so you will have plenty of company here :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting in this thread, Asa. I enjoy reading the background and interests of new community members.

I was wondering why you chose that name. Now I know! Your pages look very interesting. Nicely done! Clearly, you have an abiding interest in the natural world, especially in your immediate vicinity. Welcome to the forum!


Asa, glad you’re here!

Hello everyone,

I’m a home fruit grower in SE PA who has been lurking on the forum for a while. I’ve always enjoyed growing edibles, but didn’t really go beyond small plantings until I got a house and had kids. After a few ornamental shrubs in the landscape died and having little ones around, I dove headfirst into converting as much of my yard as I could into an edible landscape. At the moment I have planted: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries, currants, jostaberry, arctic kiwi, paw paws, elderberry, goumi, asparagus, blueberries, bush cherry, juneberries, persimmon, mulberry, jujubes, pears, and figs. I’m actually a bit overwhelmed by it all having to manage both young kids, a job, and then the fruit, but it’s still a source of enjoyment to be growing so much. I’ll probably spend most of my time lurking, but I hope to contribute more to the discussions in the near future.



Welcome Johnny, this is a great place to talk about fruits. Hope to hear and see photos of your fruit trees.


Welcome Johnny. This is a great site that I enjoy and I’m sure you will also. Scott has done a wonderful job of providing us with this site. Bill

Welcome, Johnny, glad to have you come out of lurkdom! We look forward to seeing photos of your trees and veggie garden. And, you’re doing a wonderful thing for your kids - bring them out into your garden and put them to work. A great learning experience. I did that for my kiddos when they were little, and they all have a great appreciation for growing things.

Welcome aboard, Johnny! You may have noticed during your time in lurkdom that there are others here juggling the challenges of jobs, young children, and maintaining fruits along with veggies. You too can do it! Some even have their orchards quite a distance from home. You’ll find this a very supportive and helpful forum. If it weren’t I’d never have bothered to become a member, myself. I’m picky that way.

Don’t retreat back into lurkdom. You have more to gain by speaking up. Even at times when you feel you have nothing significant to contribute, it only takes a moment to make a comment to and hit the “Like” option to others know you admire something they’ve accomplished or that something they’ve posted has helped you. No question is too naive to ask, either. People here are willing to help.

Best wishes in growing your edibles, offspring, and career. May they all grow and prosper!


Asa and Johnny,

Welcome aboard. Glad you are here.

Hello, I have been lurking/learning since I signed up, so it’s time to participate and thank a couple of people. I live in the Idaho panhandle, probably zone 5a. It is warm summers, cold winters. This summer has been especially hot and dry, used to get a week or so of -20 in the winter, but that hasn’t happened for a few years. I have apples, sweet and sour cherries, pears, asian pears, raspberries, blackberries, blue berries, apricots,plumcot. grapes, goji berry, english walnuts, and filberts. And the usual vegetables. I still grow a good sized garden, share with my 3 children and grandchildren. I really enjoy learning from every one on here. And to Bob Vance and cckw-Thank your for the apple and pear scions. They are doing well, I will post some pictures in the proper categories.

Welcome, Betty, glad you’re unlurking. We look forward to seeing all your fruit trees and your veggie garden!

Hi, Betty. I think you’ve probably been a member here even longer than I have. I doubt if there’s anything I can tell you about the forum that you haven’t already figured out on your own by now. :smile:

I really am glad you finally decided to give us all a howdy in the intro forum. I really enjoy getting to know, at least a little bit, the people I talk to here. It makes the digital world a bit more personal. I hope you’re comfortable enough now that you keep talking and don’t wait another 5 months to share your thoughts! Just like you’ve been learning from members here, the rest of us can learn from you, too - but only if you speak up and share your experiences, questions, and thoughts on topics. Welcome to the family!

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Hi everyone, my name is Jeremy. I’m from Jax, FL. I got into home gardening more seriously about two years ago and have really been focusing on growing a variety of fruit trees and shrubs, apple, pear, nectarine, peach, citrus, blueberry, etc…it’s all really a big experiment for me. In addition I’ve been trying my hand at vegetable gardening, although without a whole lot of success…For me a big part of it is just being outside.

Looking forward to sharing information and getting some good advice from everyone on the site.



Welcome Jeremy,
Lots good advice here.


Welcome Jeremy, nice people and great info here!