It's Finally Raining in California!

That was what experts said for every major drought when I lived there- but one flood season and no more discussion of drought. Of course, these newer studies might be referring to recharging ground water- not filling reservoirs. Maybe ground water is studied more now than 35 years ago.

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I see what you mean. Maybe groundwater information was available before, but the media didnā€™t look at it. At any rate, I bet a couple good wet years will put the talk of drought out of conversation. This year wasnā€™t the kind of deluge season Iā€™m talking about- double normal rainfall is what would do the trick and change the focus to landslides and floods.


ā€¦ in the national media. But here in CA it will take a lot more to than that to fill the aqueduct pipes that are currently running at one quarter capacity statewide.

Did you even reach normal this year? Double normal would certainly get the aqueducts running full if my memory serves at all. Been there- seen that several times. I was highly focused on water issues when I lived there as my living depended on ample water. The groundwater is the issue that I know nothing about. The experts always said it would take more time to return to normal than it actually did- as far the the reservoirs go.

After writing that paragraph I checked some of the totals for CA and it seems it didnā€™t reach normal in most of the important areas. Of course it will take a lot more to solve the drought, how much more, I am not sure the science has been really established. I donā€™t know if you can even get the info about how much rainfall it took to fill the reservoirs after the last severe drought. If you can find that I would be interested.

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In terms of precipitation within the state of California, it is the Sierra snowpack that provides the majority of water for rivers and reservoirs that feed the aqueduct system.

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Send it north will you? Bone dry as ever here. :sleepy:


Turned out to be a significant amount of rain down here. I hope it moves far enough north for @Calron.


Wow, very nice! Havenā€™t seen that kind of rain since May or so. And a nice cooler temp, as well. Sure beats the 101f we had here 2 days ago!

Iā€™m ready for fall.

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Yup, got .5" per my weather station over two days. A really nice, gentle soak. My artichokes went nuts.

Patty S.


And collected almost 300 gallons in the rain barrels, so excited!


I think itā€™s great youā€™re collecting water. Rather than utilizing barrels I have large basins around most plants and redirection of roof run off into other beds. The collection area Ɨ 0.5 inch = 1700 gallons :smile:.

Send that rain my way please! :rainbow:

Wow, Richard! Thatā€™s amazing!! Great use of our limited water.

It was nice having a free dayā€™s worth of irrigation earlier this week. Now weā€™re experiencing ā€œSanta Anaā€ conditions which last 3-4 days every two weeks or so in the Fall. Check out the humidity!

Yikes, thatā€™s dry.
Yeah, looks like the crazy hot temps are scheduled here as well. 96 tomorrow, 101 Monday, 96 Tuesday.

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Ah yes, those dessert winds- my least favorite CA weather condition- except when surf is up and it provides off-shore conditions for perfect tubes. Pray for hurricane waves!

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It will be pleasant in Kansas this week. Weather is in the 70s and the rain will pass pretty soon. Last week was in the 90s so Iā€™m enjoying today without air conditioning. Windows are open and the house is airing out. Sometimes hard to believe how much difference there is between states. Propane tank is pretty full, fruit and vegetable harvest is close to done, ready for winter.