Mid Year Varmint Report

2 Raccoons for me this year, that’s two too many for one season

Four squirrels with my brand new squirrel tube trap. This thing is amazing. I am 4 for 5 with baiting the trap and catching a squirrel.

At any given time I have 8-10 squirrels in my yard.

The overpopulation is about to end…


speak of the devil…I was just outside this morning doing some pruning and look who showed up…

Try an air rifle. That’s what I use. It’s illegal to shoot a firearm where I live,
but pellet guns are OK.


Cut the grass short and get rid of the cover spots and predators will be on the rabbits and other rodents. I pushed them back a half mile. I found rabbit fur and remains in 3 spots. The deer are back because they had no place to go.

I wonder it that trap works for tree squirrels as well. I certainly wish I had one when I lived in CA.

This is what I got, a Benjamin Marauder 22 cal. air rifle, will take out the smaller varmints up to 300 feet away with no sound.


My son tried to take out squirrels with an air rifle but they just would jump when they got hit and run away (maybe not a powerful one?). (He was a sharpshooter in the army). What have you been able to eliminate with that rifle?

LIkely a power issue. A lot of newer ones have the same power as a .22 caliber rimfire rifle. Which is more than adequate to dispatch squirrels and rabbits with proper shot location.

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I have a Crossman Storm that shoots at 1000 fps, and I also use
hollow point pellets. I shot another rabbit this morning at about 20
yards. Biggest rabbit I’ve ever seen. He did a backward flip 3 ft.
into the air and squealed like a stuck pig, and then ran off into a
thick hedge. I found him and finished him off with two more shots
at close range. This was one tough rabbit.

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I live in the city and don’t have many predators, except for eagles, and they’re
too busy eating song birds and squirrels.

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@rayrose, 2-3 shots is pretty typical for a rabbit with that style air rifle. At the risk of being morbid — you’ll need to aim for the head if you only want it to take 1 shot.

I have trapped 2-3 dozen squirrels so far this year. I am getting early peaches off my Gold Dust for the first time in many years - its the first peach to ripen and attracts a fresh wave of squirrels.

I used to use a .22 air rifle and killed many squirrels with head shots. But they are not powerful enough for bigger animals. I stopped using it due to all the vigilance it took, no time for rest when I was home. Also the scope needed re-alignment all the time.

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Shot another rabbit this morning with one shot. Makes 3 this week.

Traps work, just barely! Got this one yesterday while I was at work…

I have a Benjiman Titan in .017 cal and it shoots great. Very accurate and deadly for small varmints.

I love the corridor of death, very clever

I must be too kind hearted because I just killed a rabbit with a pellet gun and I feel damn guilty about it. It was in my.orchard but wasn’t bothering my trees.

Was it the first one?There will probably be others later on that will change your attitude about them.
I’m glad feelings come and go. Brady

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Yes from a garden varmint standpoint. I’ve killed deer and squire before while hunting. But I ate them.

I probably wouldn’t have felt as bad if I had eaten the rabbit but I left it in the woods for the scavengers. My 6 year old daughter would probably flip out if she knew I killed a bunny.