What is going on today 2017?

That’s exactly how I screwed my back up real good. Hurt it real bad, but didn’t think I could stop working, or thought I could work through it.

Now if my back hurts, I just quit. I’ve had to learn to be lazy that way. Also remember when you lift, keep your arms as close to your body as you can. It’s really dangerous lifting to have your arms extended away from your body very much. I personally think this is more important than “lifting with your knees”

Hope you feel better soon.

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I think you have the right approach. As you get older your body takes longer to heal. By watching out and allowing time to get better this has allowed me to continue being an active 68 year old but not like a young version.


I had to move that stuff, I was already hurt. Nobody else could. I somehow did it. I put myself on the disabled list, and benched myself! :sob: Trying celabrex today. No good deed goes unpunished. My mother in law bitched my wife out for leaving boxes of sawdust around. For one the sawdust was under the machines, my father in law obviously used the machines for years and never picked up the sawdust, and two, I put it in boxes! I should have left it on the floor.


Hundred percent agree with you on that Olpea. That’s how I originally messed up my back. I was mowing a slope with a push mower and would stand at the top of the slope and extend the mower down the wide of the hill as far as I could reach, and then pull it back to the top. At the time I felt as strong as an ox and had gotten away with doing that for years. Not this time though.


Sorry to hear about all the back issues folks on here are suffering thru. Hopefully y’all can work thru it during this very busy time of year. It’s easy to overdo it when there’s lots to do. Back injuries seem to be hardest to recover from.

Well, was outside yesterday prepping the garden plots. The weather was nice, in the 60s and sunny and thought I’d take advantage of it. Supposed to be a bit warmer today and tomorrow.

Took out the iron rake and cleaned out a couple plots of loose weeds and old corn stalks and junk, to get ready for the liming I need to do.

Also pulled up the old tomato and pepper plants from last year before I mow it down, lime, and plow under.

While I was out by the barn, I decided to clear out all the weeds and junk away from the south wall. Man, was that a chore, but it looks so much cleaner now. Our disc harrow and plow were almost totally engulfed by weeds, so they’ve been freed up. Guess it’s not totally unexpected, they’re only used for about a month out of the year and sit the rest.

Kinda feeling it today, have some acheyness, and a headache. Been fighting what I think is allergies all week- sore throat, lots of congestion, coughing up some gross stuff, watery eyes, all kinds of nice stuff. But gotta keep after it, while the weather’s good.

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Record high of 80 today at O’Hare

Changed into shorts, set out seedlings, fertilized lawn

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In the 40’s in Newport, RI today, with tons of rain! No spraying today! Still windy too.


That cold wind is going to blow away. We are windy too, but the warm air blew in from Mexico. I think we hit mid 60’s today. Rains coming tonight and this weekend. Buds are going to open up. Honeysuckle is showing green tips. Hopefully you get your spraying done. I need to spray too but we have lots of rain coming.

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Tomorrow will be my biggest single planting day of the year. My best friend is visiting to lend a hand. The temps might reach into the 70s. Our ambition is to plant the following:

-Jersey beach plum
-Seckel pear
-Superior plum
-Golden Transparent Gage plum
-Reka blueberry
-Pixie Crunch apple
-Hargrand apricot
-Arctic Glo nectarine
-Rich May peach
-Sugar May peach
-Fantasia nectarine
-Methley plum


I gotta show your planting list to my hubby. He thinks I’m crazy who ordered two fruit trees and two raspberry plants.


Fabulous Brady!!!

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Another nice day here, cloudy, but in the 70s, so a good day to get out and do some more work on the plots.

On four plots I put down the liming material. I have three types of lime, both pelleted and pulverized dolomite (20% Ca, 10% Mg), and straight ag lime (30% Ca, <5% Mg).

I ended up spreading 430lb of the stuff, was out there until dark putting down the last of it, because we’re expecting rain tonight and I want it to get watered in and start breaking down.

The pellet stuff took maybe 5 minutes per 40lb bag, but the powdered dolomite and ag lime took forever to spread, because the stuff is so light and fluffy, it doesn’t want to drop down thru the spreader. I bet it took me at least 15-30 min per 40 or 50lb bag to spread the powdered stuff, so aggravating. I’m done with about 2/3 of the liming, because I want to drop the rest of it after I plow. The fertilizer will go down then as well.

Our soil is so acidic, that’s the reason for all the lime so that I can get the pH up. Most of the plots are around 5.0 pH, so things don’t grow as well as they should. Plus, the nutrients are so low, that fertilizing is necessary as well. Hope it pays off this season, although I know the lime will take a while to work its way into the soil.

Lower back was hurting afterwards, but after some fluids and a hot shower, I’m feeling pretty good. Just glad to get that out of the way. Rain tonight and tomorrow, so going to take Sunday off.


This is the third year for a number of them,so I’m hoping for some fabulous fruit! Brady

The weather is starting to warm up, had a fair bit of snow last night and a calf bang, right in the middle of it at 5 am. There is something very beautiful about a lazy snow at night with big fluffy flakes. The walk back to the house, after a successful calving, with those puffs of white drifting down out of the pitch black sky was strangely comforting. Or maybe it was the lights from the house all warm and cozy.

But today I finished my strawberry project, all are planted and doing great so far. 65 pails of Mara de Bois. It is listed as a zone 4 berry, but we seem to be able to winter it just fine here. I am just looking for a weedless way to get the fruit.


Wow that’s a lot of buckets. You should look at the hybrid hydroponic watering system for buckets. The buckets sit on a 4" pvc with a hole cut that sphagnum moss sets in a filter cup to wick water up. I’m not sure about growing strawberries that way but plants with deeper roots it works great. They might still grow them that way I just don’t know. The ends of the pipes are connected to a special valve that is plumed like a toilet so when the water gets low it turns on and fills back up. You won’t want to do it now that you have all your buckets planted but maybe next year it might be something to think about. Looks like your going to have lots of strawberries!

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Saturday was 70 degrees. After so many weeks of below normal temps. It was nice to have a warm day. I pruned the peach tree. Scratched around the roots, gave some fertilizer, removed sod and mulched around it.
Hoping for a good(better) peach year.

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I was surprised to see my potted trees that are overwintering in my garage woke up. The figs still have just green tips. I left them alone but my potted Spice Zee is blooming! I have some plums and a cherry leafing out too so they all went out in the driveway along with some rootstocks and Purple Passion.

All the pots in the middle are Rose of Sharron that I just potted up from Bob Vance.

Black gold cherry is blooming


It looks like I might have a few cherries this year from “Black Pearl”, which is a little cherry tree I picked up, strangely, in front of Smart & Final a couple of years ago. Never thinking it would set for me here, just experimenting. Can’t find the CH, but betting it’s fairly high. It’s an early cherry, so it bloomed at about the same time as my MR and RL, but it’s in a different part of my yard. But, the bees must have been very, very busy with the cherry blossoms, and managed to find my little Black Pearl, as it looks like I’ll have a handful of cherries, if they make it past the abort size:

And, lots of blooms on my Lapins, Royal Rainier, and even Sandra Rose looks like it will also bloom. All experiments (except maybe Lapins, which really should set here). So, I might actually have a good cherry year, here.

Patty S.