What's Growing in Your Veggie Garden? Got pics?

Drew Last years’ Eureka. Only 2" now.

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The Eureka’s look nice, I’m going to have to try them somewhere. I heard the German Neckargold were excellent. So hopefully I can take a similar photo of them this year.
Antmary yeah your garden looks great! Your tomatoes are all about the same size. Mine this year are huge to runt size. The peppers produced early, not sure why?

Thank you everyone! I am trying to organize garden while I can, in the summer it’ll start to organize itself :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.
MuddyMess, my garlic never grows that big as you can buy in the store, so I do not consider it very successful, but still it grows trouble free.
Chicken, fava beans will never be very productive as regular beans, I grow it for the food diversity, early crop, soil building, etc. I do not know about black staff on the fava beans, may be aphids? I see a lot of ants on the fava beans and I started to watch for aphids on them. Last year I grew purple pole beans, like Drew has on his picture. This year I’ll also try yard long red Chinese pole beans and I’ll post pictures of them when they will be ready. Eureka beans are really nice, they will be my next year candidates. This year I want to plant edamame soy beans as well for the first time.
Drew, my tomatoes, determinate and indeterminate are the same size, and they started to flower at about the same time. All tomatoes and peppers are very good this year and I think the main reason is that I used Pro mix organic soil with seaweed compost. I did not need to fertilize them at all, and the pants looked very green and lush all the way until I planted them outside.

Very nice garden, Thanks for sharing the photos.
If more people in America had a garden like yours it would be a happier place.

I put in two raised beds this year, a 4’x8’ and a 4’x16’ I’ve planted a little bit of everything.


Another nicely constructed, planned, and thoughtfully laid out garden. These are so different from my own which tend to wind up in any available unused space, delineated by whatever wood from downed large branches and trees fits the space, with saplings used as support for climbing veggies.

Is that corn in the front, Steve? It looks like maybe beans a little farther back. I can’t tell what is taller and lush in distance.

Very nice garden Steve.

Best way to find out what works in your area.
Good Luck, Its looking great so far.

Yes, that is corn in the front. After that, it’s zucchini, watermelon, cucumbers eggplant , peppers and the lush looking stuff is a bunch of different tomatoes. Then a 3’ walk way , then my other box has radishes, strawberries, lemon cucumbers and pumpkins. Also @ each post I planted sunflowers. I know I probably planted too much, the pumpkins are already taking over.

If you look to the right, you can see a few of my pluot trees, I planted them 3 years ago right off my back deck. They are finally starting to look like a hedgerow, I planted them 7’ apart. Hopefully next summer I’ll be able to walk out on my deck and be able to pick pluots without bending down.

Thanks David!

EarthBox tomatoes are getting huge now and setting a lot of fruit. I planted these out around St Patrick’s Day. Still no sign of spidermites thanks to 7-10 day regimen of neem oil:

The garden beds are in transition from cool season to warm. Here I have some full grown Kale with eggplant and pepper starts from back in April. Note the olla pot in the center to conserve water, and to make watering easy:

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Your gardens are coming along nicely. I haven’t even planted anything yet. they’re calling for 36 deg tonight. I did till the garden. My soil was sandy with clay so Three years ago I tilled in on car hauler of compost and then used another to mulch with. I tilled in the mulch two years ago and covered with a trailer of horse manure. This year when I tilled the dirt was nice and black. I Ran some rotted wood chips leaves and sticks through a hammer shredder and put it on top as mulch this year. I got the shredder chipper for free because it didn’t run. Cleaned the carb reversed the hammer bars and changed the oil was all it needed plus fuel line.

Looks like a really fine grind. What a great price for such a workhorse!

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That’s with the standard exit shoot too. The holes are about 1" dia. You can get different sizes as small as 1/4" for making planting soil. I think this stuff might have shredded better because it was three years old after being chipped with a commercial chipper. It’s a very dangerous wicked machine. Lots of havoc going on in there. I would hate to get caught in the business end of it! I’m impressed with it. I was just going to make it hook up to my Simplicity tractor and run it off the pto but it started and runs fine. I want to make it towable with the tractor so I can pull it around my yard with the hills and all. I want to make more with some rotted stick and leaf piles I have out back. I’ll put it around my trees too. It’s a 1976 Amerind and Mackassic 12-p . They say you can shred cans and oyster shells too, but I wouldn want to try it!

Here’s the main veggie garden…tomatoes, peppers, summer squash, cukes, dwarf melons, and some asparagus I didn’t harvest.


@MrClint I like the olla pots. I didn’t know what it was thanks for posting about it. I like the ones that double as pots and a water well for smaller plants like erbs too. That’s a great idea although they are a bit pricey.

It looked like your cherry tree was a corner stake till I saw the bedded area back further. Nice little garden. What are the red pots for?

That’s a pawpaw in the back, actually. There’s another just out of the frame. The pots have the names written on them from seed starting, haven’t gotten my map made up yet.

I picked up my olla pots locally for $25 a piece.


Wow, Seth! You really established some major infrastructure there! It looks like you can get maximum production out of the space you have. Niiiiice.