Why not find a Bradford or Callery pear to graft them to?
Fight invasives and use one of the best rootstocks ever!
Betulafolia seedlings (Bet.) It’s drought resistant good in Sandy soil, even tolerant of occasional flooding.
The leaves are very different so it’s easy to recognize, great rootstock, maybe the best.
Someone sent me a variety only described as a fragrant pear which I grafted onto my Korean Giant tree. It has an interesting flavor but achieves inadequate brix in my climate, and possibly soil. Probably all about climate. Even last season with drought and warm sunny days for the entire 3 weeks preceding ripening, the variety was not good enough to be worth eating, but certainly with a much more complex flavor profile than KG. The skin is pretty tough, also. Fine if skinned and used in fruit salad, but I don’t make fruit salad. During harvest I’m eating fruit almost constantly while tending to orchards which makes a bowl of cut fruit not very inspiring.
When I come back I would nlove to get a scion from you! I would like to try it on different rootstocks, probably Callery or betulafolia would be great!
My thoughts, exactly. I much prefer my nectarines. I feel that they have a much more intense flavor than my peaches. (And so did most of my family that used to think they preferred peaches!)