Sugar Cube hybrid mini cantaloupe. One of the sweetest melons I’ve ever eaten. If they’re all like this I’ll be planting again.
What a great looking mini melon! I’ve been researching smaller melon varieties due to limited garden space, would you recommend Sugar Cube for a small raised bed?
Kholodok more normal sized than the earlier ones. Haven’t cut it yet, have a bunch left from another still in the fridge
The vines take up less space than watermelon but are still going to be spilling out of raised beds I would say.
My first Golden Midget. Good taste, not as much seed as it would seem from the photo. I am only sorry all the other plants fell victims to the plague of slugs we’ve had in spring. There’s always next year.
Golden Midget should be about 50% larger and should have higher seed count. Otherwise looks as it should.
I think the size is on me and my ducks. The seedling looked whimpy, so I gave it one of the worst free spots in semi-shade and then the ducks broke through a barrier and stomped all over the base. Since I’m crap at growing both melons and cucumbers (I have moderate success with Marketmore - probably fool-proof?), I’m happy I got to enjoy this one.
I harvested a goddess melon after the vine died. It was very ripe but not as sweet as the melons in the store. Probably because my coastal climate.
Melons coming in strong now in Colorado. Sweet Dakota Rose watermelon, Lily crenshaw and Lofthouse landrace.
Burpee Ambrosia hybrid - this one separated from the tendril on its own. The rest of the crop looks like they need a bit more time. It’s a couple weeks early from time to maturity. Sweet but not super sweet. Hoping the rest have more sugar.
not sure what it is but it was delicious. it looked bad, unripe when I cut it but it was fine
tendril was dead, spoon leaf too, thumped good.